Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2008 that mention
  • sense disambiguation
Agirre, Eneko and Baldwin, Timothy and Martinez, David
The results of the previous section show that the improvements in parsing results are small but significant, for all three word sense disambiguation strategies (gold-standard, 1ST and ASR).
Integrating Semantics into Parsing
This problem of identifying the correct sense of a word in context is known as word sense disambiguation (WSD: Agirre and Edmonds (2006)).
use of the most frequent sense, and an unsupervised word sense disambiguation (WSD) system.
sense disambiguation is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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Davidov, Dmitry and Rappoport, Ari
Our NR classification evaluation strictly follows the ACL SemEval-07 Task 4 datasets and protocol, obtaining an f-score of 70.6, as opposed to 64.8 of the best previous work that did not use the manually provided WordNet sense disambiguation tags.
In practical situations, it would not be feasible to provide a large amount of such sense disambiguation tags manually.
Furthermore, usage of such resources frequently requires disambiguation and connection of the data to the resource (word sense disambiguation in the case of WordNet).
sense disambiguation is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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