Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2009 that mention
  • phrase pairs
Liu, Yang and Mi, Haitao and Feng, Yang and Liu, Qun
About 2.6M hierarchical phrase pairs extracted from the training corpus were used on the test set.
This improvement resulted from the mixture of hierarchical phrase pairs and tree-to-string rules.
To produce the result, the joint decoder made use of 8,114 hierarchical phrase pairs learned from training data, 6,800 glue rules connecting partial translations monotonically, and 16,554 tree-to-string rules.
Joint Decoding
Decoders that use rules with flat structures (e.g., phrase pairs ) usually generate target sentences from left to right while those using rules with hierarchical structures (e.g., SCFG rules) often run in a bottom-up style.
Joint Decoding
(2006) develop a bottom-up decoder for BTG (Wu, 1997) that uses only phrase pairs .
Joint Decoding
Hierarchical phrase pairs are used for translating smaller units and tree-to-string rules for bigger ones.
phrase pairs is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Wu, Hua and Wang, Haifeng
In this way, the intersected English phrases in the CE corpus and ES corpus becomes more, which enables the Chinese-Spanish translation model induced using the triangulation method to cover more phrase pairs .
Pivot Methods for Phrase-based SMT
(2003), there are two important elements in the lexical weight: word alignment information a in a phrase pair (5, f) and lexical translation probability w (s
Pivot Methods for Phrase-based SMT
Let a1 and a2 represent the word alignment information inside the phrase pairs (5,13) and (13, 2?)
Using RBMT Systems for Pivot Translation
It can also change the distribution of some phrase pairs and reinforce some phrase pairs relative to the test set.
phrase pairs is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Liu, Yang and Lü, Yajuan and Liu, Qun
We extracted phrase pairs from the training data to investigate how many phrase pairs can be captured by lexicalized tree-to-tree rules that contain only terminals.
We set the maximal length of phrase pairs to 10.
Related Work
While this method works for l-best tree pairs, it cannot be applied to packed forest pairs because it is impractical to enumerate all tree pairs over a phrase pair .
phrase pairs is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: