Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2010 that mention
  • parsing algorithms
Koo, Terry and Collins, Michael
Dependency parsing
For certain factorizations, efficient parsing algorithms exist for solving Eq.
Dependency parsing
We define the order of a part according to the number of dependencies it contains, with analogous terminology for factorizations and parsing algorithms .
Existing parsing algorithms
Our new third-order dependency parsers build on ideas from existing parsing algorithms .
Existing parsing algorithms
Since each derivation is defined by two fixed indices (the boundaries of the span) and a third free index (the split point), the parsing algorithm requires 0(n3) time and 0(n2) space (Eisner, 1996; McAllester, 1999).
Dependency grammar has proven to be a very useful syntactic formalism, due in no small part to the development of efficient parsing algorithms (Eisner, 2000; McDonald et al., 2005b; McDonald and Pereira, 2006; Carreras, 2007), which can be leveraged for a wide variety of learning methods, such as feature-rich discriminative models (Lafferty et al., 2001; Collins, 2002; Taskar et al., 2003).
These parsing algorithms share an important characteristic: they factor dependency trees into sets of parts that have limited interactions.
A crucial limitation of factored parsing algorithms is that the associated parts are typically quite small, losing much of the contextual information within the dependency tree.
parsing algorithms is mentioned in 29 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Sassano, Manabu and Kurohashi, Sadao
Active Learning for Parsing
If we sample smaller units rather than sentences, we have partially annotated sentences and have to use a parsing algorithm that can be trained from incompletely annotated sentences.
Experimental Evaluation and Discussion
Applicability to Other Languages and Other Parsing Algorithms We discuss here whether or not the proposed methods and the experiments are useful for other languages and other parsing algorithms .
Experimental Evaluation and Discussion
Although no one has reported application of (Sassano, 2004) to the languages so far, we believe that similar parsing algorithms will be applicable to them and the discussion in this study would be useful.
Experimental Evaluation and Discussion
Even though the use of syntactic constraints is limited, smaller constituents will still be useful for other parsing algorithms that use some deterministic methods with machine learning-based classifiers.
Section 3 describes the syntactic characteristics of Japanese and the parsing algorithm that we use.
parsing algorithms is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Chen, Wenliang and Kazama, Jun'ichi and Torisawa, Kentaro
Bilingual subtree constraints
Due to the limitations of the parsing algorithm (McDonald and Pereira, 2006; Carreras, 2007), we only use bigram— and trigram-subtrees in our approach.
Dependency parsing
(2006), which is an extension of the projective parsing algorithm of Eisner (1996).
Dependency parsing
To use richer second-order information, we also implement parent-child-grandchild features (Carreras, 2007) in the MST parsing algorithm .
Dependency parsing
The parsing algorithm chooses the tree with the highest score in a bottom-up fashion.
parsing algorithms is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Gómez-Rodr'iguez, Carlos and Nivre, Joakim
In this paper, we have presented an efficient algorithm for deciding whether a dependency graph is 2-planar and a transition-based parsing algorithm that is provably correct for 2-planar dependency forests, neither of which existed in the literature before.
Although these proposals seem to have a very good fit with linguistic data, in the sense that they often cover 99% or more of the structures found in existing treebanks, the development of efficient parsing algorithms for these classes has met with more limited success.
This was originally proposed by Yli-Jyr'a (2003) but has so far played a marginal role in the dependency parsing literature, because no algorithm was known for determining whether an arbitrary tree was m-planar, and no parsing algorithm existed for any constant value of m. The contribution of this paper is twofold.
Secondly, we present a transition-based parsing algorithm for 2-planar dependency trees, developed in two steps.
parsing algorithms is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jiang, Wenbin and Liu, Qun
Related Works
Both the graph-based (McDonald et al., 2005a; McDonald and Pereira, 2006; Carreras et al., 2006) and the transition-based (Yamada and Matsumoto, 2003; Nivre et al., 2006) parsing algorithms are related to our word-pair classification model.
Word-Pair Classification Model
2.3 Parsing Algorithm
Word-Pair Classification Model
Algorithm 1 Dependency Parsing Algorithm .
parsing algorithms is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Sagot, Beno^it and Satta, Giorgio
This results in asymptotical running time improvement for known parsing algorithms for this class.
Given the fact that fanout l bundles can be attached to any adjacent bundle in our factorization, we can show that our algorithm also optimizes time complexity for known tabular parsing algorithms for LCFRSs with fanout 2.
Under a theoretical perspective, the parsing problem for LCFRSS with f = 2 is NP-complete (Satta, 1992), and in known parsing algorithms the running time is exponentially affected by the rank 7“ of the grammar.
parsing algorithms is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: