Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2011 that mention
  • regression model
Wang, Ziqi and Xu, Gu and Li, Hang and Zhang, Ming
Experimental Results
Two representative methods were used as baselines: the generative model proposed by (Brill and Moore, 2000) referred to as generative and the logistic regression model proposed by (Okazaki et al., 2008)
Experimental Results
When using their method for ranking, we used outputs of the logistic regression model as rank scores.
(2008) proposed using a logistic regression model for approximate dictionary matching.
Related Work
(2008) utilized substring substitution rules and incorporated the rules into a L1-regularized logistic regression model .
regression model is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
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Mohler, Michael and Bunescu, Razvan and Mihalcea, Rada
Answer Grading System
We train the isotonic regression model on each type of system output (i.e., alignment scores, SVM output, BOW scores).
Discussion and Conclusions
This is likely due to the different objective function in the corresponding optimization formulations: while the ranking model attempts to ensure a correct ordering between the grades, the regression model seeks to minimize an error objective that is closer to the RMSE.
For each fold, one additional fold is held out for later use in the development of an isotonic regression model (see Figure 3).
regression model is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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