Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2014 that mention
  • dependency path
Hermann, Karl Moritz and Das, Dipanjan and Weston, Jason and Ganchev, Kuzman
Argument Identification
o dependency path between a’s head and the predicate
Argument Identification
o the set of dependency labels of the predicate’s children 0 dependency path conjoined with the POS tag of a’s head
Argument Identification
0 dependency path conjoined with the word cluster of a’s head
Frame Identification with Embeddings
second example, for the predicate run, the agent The athlete is not a direct dependent, but is connected via a longer dependency path .
Frame Identification with Embeddings
Dependency Paths To capture more relevant context, we developed a second context function as follows.
Frame Identification with Embeddings
We scanned the training data for a given task (either the PropBank or the FrameNet domains) for the dependency paths that connected the gold predicates to the gold semantic arguments.
dependency path is mentioned in 13 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Wang, Chang and Fan, James
Identifying Key Medical Relations
The similarity of two sentences is defined as the bag-of-words similarity of the dependency paths connecting arguments.
Relation Extraction with Manifold Models
o (3) Syntactic features representing the dependency path between two arguments, such as “subj”, “pred”, “modJiprep” and “objprep” (between arguments “antibiotic” and “lyme disease”) in Figure 2.
Relation Extraction with Manifold Models
0 (5) Topic features modeling the words in the dependency path .
Relation Extraction with Manifold Models
In the example given in Figure 2, the dependency path contains the following words: “be”, “standard therapy” and “for”.
dependency path is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Gormley, Matthew R. and Mitchell, Margaret and Van Durme, Benjamin and Dredze, Mark
(2009), we include the notion of verb and noun supports and sections of the dependency path .
This highlights an important advantage of the pipeline trained model: the features can consider any part of the syntax (e. g., arbitrary sub-trees), whereas the joint model is limited to those features over which it can efficiently marginalize (e.g., short dependency paths ).
Even at the expense of no dependency path features, the joint models best pipeline-trained models for state-of-the-art performance in the low-resource setting (§ 4.4).
Related Work
(2009), who utilize features on syntactic siblings and the dependency path concatenated with the direction of each edge.
dependency path is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Pershina, Maria and Min, Bonan and Xu, Wei and Grishman, Ralph
Guided DS
entity types, a dependency path and maybe a span word, if g has one.
The Challenge
Each guideline g={gi|i=1,2,3} consists of a pair of semantic types, a dependency path , and optionally a span word and is associated with a particular relation r(g).
The Challenge
Table 3: Performance of a MaxEnt, trained on hand-labeled data using all features (Surdeanu et al., 2011) vs using a subset of two (types of entities, dependency path ), or three (adding a span word) features, and evaluated on the test set.
dependency path is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Yang, Bishan and Cardie, Claire
The syntactic rules correspond to the shortest dependency paths between an opinion word and an extracted mention.
We consider the 10 most frequent dependency paths in the training data.
Example dependency paths include nsubj(opinion, mention), nobj(opinion, mention), and am0d(mention, opinion).
dependency path is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: