Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2014 that mention
  • dependency trees
Li, Sujian and Wang, Liang and Cao, Ziqiang and Li, Wenjie
The state-of—the-art dependency parsing techniques, the Eisner algorithm and maximum spanning tree (MST) algorithm, are adopted to parse an optimal discourse dependency tree based on the arc-factored model and the large—margin learning techniques.
Discourse Dependency Parsing
Here we follow the arc factored method and define the score of a dependency tree as the sum of the scores of all the arcs in the tree.
Discourse Dependency Parsing
Thus, the optimal dependency tree for T is a spanning tree with the highest score and obtained through the function DT(T,w): DT(T, w) = argmaxGT gVXRMO score(T, GT)
Discourse Dependency Structure and Tree Bank
and maximum spanning tree (MST) algorithm are used respectively to parse the optimal projective and non-projective dependency trees with the large-margin learning technique (Crammer and Singer, 2003).
Discourse Dependency Structure and Tree Bank
According to the definition, we illustrate all the 9 possible unlabeled dependency trees for a text containing three EDUs in Figure 2.
Discourse Dependency Structure and Tree Bank
The dependency trees 1’ to 7’ are projective while 8’ and 9’ are non-projective with crossing arcs.
Since dependency trees contain much fewer nodes and on average they are simpler than constituency based trees, the current dependency parsers can have a relatively low computational complexity.
In our work, we adopt the graph based dependency parsing techniques learned from large sets of annotated dependency trees .
dependency trees is mentioned in 22 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhang, Meishan and Zhang, Yue and Che, Wanxiang and Liu, Ting
In this paper, we investigate the problem of character-level Chinese dependency parsing, building dependency trees over characters.
Character-Level Dependency Tree
In this formulation, a character-level dependency tree satisfies the same constraints as the traditional word-based dependency tree for Chinese, including proj ectiVity.
Character-Level Dependency Tree
The character-level dependency trees hold to a specific word segmentation standard, but are not limited to it.
Chinese dependency trees were conventionally defined over words (Chang et al., 2009; Li et al., 2012), requiring word segmentation and POS-tagging as preprocessing steps.
Such annotations enable dependency parsing on the character level, building dependency trees over Chinese characters.
(a) a word-based dependency tree
dependency trees is mentioned in 15 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Li, Zhenghua and Zhang, Min and Chen, Wenliang
Supervised Dependency Parsing
Given an input sentence x = wowl...wn, the goal of dependency parsing is to build a dependency tree as depicted in Figure 1, denoted by d = {(h,m) :0 S h S 71,0 < m S n},where (h,m) indicates a directed arc from the head word 21);, to the modifier mm, and we is an artificial node linking to the root of the sentence.
Supervised Dependency Parsing
The graph-based method views the problem as finding an optimal tree from a fully-connected directed graph (McDonald et al., 2005; McDonald and Pereira, 2006; Carreras, 2007; K00 and Collins, 2010), while the transition-based method tries to find a highest-scoring transition sequence that leads to a legal dependency tree (Yamada and Matsumoto, 2003; Nivre, 2003; Zhang and Nivre, 2011).
Supervised Dependency Parsing
In this work, we adopt the graph-based paradigm because it allows us to naturally derive conditional probability of a dependency tree (1 given a sentence X, which is required to compute likelihood of both labeled and unlabeled data.
dependency trees is mentioned in 9 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Dong, Li and Wei, Furu and Tan, Chuanqi and Tang, Duyu and Zhou, Ming and Xu, Ke
For a given tweet, we first convert its dependency tree for the interested target.
SVM-conn: The words, punctuations, emoti-cons, and #hashtags included in the converted dependency tree are used as the features for SVM.
RNN: It is performed on the converted dependency tree Without adaptive composition selection.
RNN is also based on the converted dependency tree .
Our Approach
The dependency tree indicates the dependency relations between words.
Our Approach
Algorithm 1 Convert Dependency Tree Input: Target node, Dependency tree Output: Converted tree 1: function CONV(7“) 2: E. <— SORT(dep edges connected with 7“) v <— 7“ for (7“ A 77/77 A 7“) in Er do if 7“ is head of u then 712 <— node with CONV(u), v as children else 712 <— node with v, CONV(u) as children
Our Approach
As illustrated in the Algorithm 1, we recursively convert the dependency tree starting from the target node.
dependency trees is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Candito, Marie and Constant, Matthieu
Data: MWEs in Dependency Trees
It contains projective dependency trees that were automatically derived from the latest status of the French Treebank (Abeille and Barrier, 2004), which consists of constituency trees for sentences from the
Data: MWEs in Dependency Trees
Figure 1: French dependency tree for L’abus de biens sociaux fut de’nonce’ en vain (literally the misuse of assets social was denounced in vain, meaning The misuse of corporate assets was denounced in vain), containing two MWEs (in red).
Data: MWEs in Dependency Trees
In the dependency trees , there is no “node” for a MWE as a whole, but one node per MWE component (more generally one node per token).
While the realistic scenario of syntactic parsing with automatic MWE recognition (either done jointly or in a pipeline) has already been investigated in constituency parsing (Green et al., 2011; Constant et al., 2012; Green et al., 2013), the French dataset of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task (Seddah et al., 2013) only recently provided the opportunity to evaluate this scenario within the framework of dependency syntax.2 In such a scenario, a system predicts dependency trees with marked groupings of tokens into MWEs.
The trees show syntactic dependencies between semantically sound units (made of one or several tokens), and are thus particularly appealing for downstream semantic-oriented applications, as dependency trees are considered to be closer to predicate-argument structures.
Related work
To our knowledge, the first works3 on predicting both MWEs and dependency trees are those presented to the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task that provided scores for French (which is the only dataset containing MWEs).
dependency trees is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ma, Xuezhe and Xia, Fei
Figure 1: An example dependency tree .
Our Approach
Dependency trees represent syntactic relationships through labeled directed edges between heads and their dependents.
Our Approach
For example, Figure 1 shows a dependency tree for the sentence, Economic news had little efi‘ect on financial markets, with the sentence’s root-symbol as its root.
Our Approach
In this paper, we will use the following notation: :13 represents a generic input sentence, and y represents a generic dependency tree .
dependency trees is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Kikuchi, Yuta and Hirao, Tsutomu and Takamura, Hiroya and Okumura, Manabu and Nagata, Masaaki
Generating summary from nested tree
Fortunately we can simply convert DEP-DTs to obtain dependency trees between sentences.
Generating summary from nested tree
After the document tree is obtained, we use a dependency parser to obtain the syntactic dependency trees of sentences.
Generating summary from nested tree
We added two types of constraints to our model to extract a grammatical sentence subtree from a dependency tree:
recently transformed RST trees into dependency trees and used them for single document summarization (Hirao et al., 2013).
They formulated the summarization problem as a tree knapsack problem with constraints represented by the dependency trees .
Related work
Extracting a subtree from the dependency tree of words is one approach to sentence compression (Tomita et al., 2009; Qian and Liu, 2013; Morita et al., 2013; Gillick and Favre, 2009).
dependency trees is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Sun, Weiwei and Du, Yantao and Kou, Xin and Ding, Shuoyang and Wan, Xiaojun
Our work stands in between traditional dependency tree parsing and deep linguistic processing.
GB-grounded GR Extraction
There are two differences of the head word passing between our GR extraction and a “normal” dependency tree extraction.
GB-grounded GR Extraction
These measures correspond to attachment scores (LASflJAS) in dependency tree parsing.
GB-grounded GR Extraction
graphs than syntactic dependency trees .
Transition-based GR Parsing
Transition-based parsers utilize transition systems to derive dependency trees together with treebank-induced statistical models for predicting transitions.
Transition-based GR Parsing
Developing features has been shown crucial to advancing the state-of-the-art in dependency tree parsing (Koo and Collins, 2010; Zhang and Nivre, 2011).
dependency trees is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Pighin, Daniele and Cornolti, Marco and Alfonseca, Enrique and Filippova, Katja
Memory-based pattern extraction
To this end, we build a trie of dependency trees (which we call a tree-trie) by scanning all the dependency parses in the news training
Memory-based pattern extraction
Algorithm 2 STORE(T, I): store the dependency tree T in the tree-trie I. : /* Entry p0int/* L <— T.LINEARIZE() STORERECURSION(I.R00T(), L, 0) return M /* Procedures /* : procedure STORERECURSION(n, L, 0) ifo 2: L.LENGTH() then n.ADDTREESTRUCTURE(L.STRUCTURE()) return 10: if not n.HAsCHILD(L.TOKEN(o)) then 11: n.ADDCHILD(L.TOKEN(o))
Memory-based pattern extraction
First, each dependency tree (a) is linearized, resulting in a data structure that consists of two aligned sequences (b).
Pattern extraction by sentence compression
1) is formulated over weighted edges in a transformed dependency tree and is subject to a number of constraints.
dependency trees is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Skjaerholt, Arne
Synthetic experiments
(2012), adapted to dependency trees .
Synthetic experiments
For dependency trees , the input corpus is permuted as follows:
Synthetic experiments
For example in the trees in figure 2, assigning any other head than the root to the PRED nodes directly dominated by the root will result in invalid (cyclic and unconnected) dependency trees .
The metric
Figure 1: Transformation of dependency trees before comparison
The metric
Therefore we remove the leaf nodes in the case of phrase structure trees, and in the case of dependency trees we compare trees whose edges are unlabelled and nodes are labelled with the dependency relation between that word and its head; the root node receives the label 6.
dependency trees is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhang, Yuan and Lei, Tao and Barzilay, Regina and Jaakkola, Tommi and Globerson, Amir
Experimental Setup
contain non-projective dependency trees .
Sampling-Based Dependency Parsing with Global Features
We denote sentences by ac and the corresponding dependency trees by y E 3?
Sampling-Based Dependency Parsing with Global Features
is the set of valid (projective or non-projective) dependency trees for sentence cc.
Sampling-Based Dependency Parsing with Global Features
The decoding problem consists of finding a valid dependency tree y 6 32(53) that maximizes the score s(:c,y) = 6 - f (:c,y) with parameters 6.
dependency trees is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Thadani, Kapil
Multi-Structure Sentence Compression
Let a(y) E {0, 1}” denote the incidence vector of tokens contained in the n-gram sequence y and ,6(z) E {0, 1}” denote the incidence vector of words contained in the dependency tree 2.
Multi-Structure Sentence Compression
Linear constraints are introduced to produce dependency structures that are close to the optimal dependency trees .
Multi-Structure Sentence Compression
In order to avoid cycles in the dependency tree , we include additional variables to establish single-commodity flow (Magnanti and Wolsey, 1994) between all pairs of tokens.
dependency trees is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Tian, Ran and Miyao, Yusuke and Matsuzaki, Takuya
Since our system uses an off-the-shelf dependency parser, and semantic representations are obtained from simple rule-based conversion from dependency trees , there will be only one (right or wrong) interpretation in face of ambiguous sentences.
The Idea
DCS trees has been proposed to represent natural language semantics with a structure similar to dependency trees (Liang et al., 2011) (Figure 1).
The Idea
We obtain DCS trees from dependency trees , to bypass the need of a concrete database.
dependency trees is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: