Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2014 that mention
  • regular expressions
Candito, Marie and Constant, Matthieu
Data: MWEs in Dependency Trees
MWEs are first classified as regular or irregular, using regular expressions over the sequence of parts-of-speech within the MWE.
Data: MWEs in Dependency Trees
To define the regular expressions, we grouped gold MWEs according to the pair [global POS of the MWE + sequence of POS of the MWE components], and designed regular expressions to match the most frequent patterns that looked regular according to our linguistic knowledge.
Data: MWEs in Dependency Trees
5 The six regular expressions that we obtained cover nominal, prepositional, adverbial and verbal compounds.
regular expressions is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Huang, Minlie and Ye, Borui and Wang, Yichen and Chen, Haiqiang and Cheng, Junjun and Zhu, Xiaoyan
In order to obtain lexical patterns, we can define regular expressions with POS tags 2 and apply the regular expressions on POS tagged texts.
Algorithm 1: New word detection algorithm Input: D: a large set of POS tagged posts W5: a set of seed words kp: the number of patterns chosen at each iteration kc: the number of patterns in the candidate pattern set kw: the number of words added at each iteration K: the number of words returned Output: A list of ranked new words W 1 Obtain all lexical patterns using regular expressions on 1); Count the frequency of each lexical pattern and extract words matched by each pattern ; 3 Obtain top kc frequent patterns as candidate pattern set ’PC and top 5,000 frequent words as candidate word set We ;
Related Work
For example, Justeson and Katz (1995) extracted technical terminologies from documents using a regular expression .
regular expressions is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Kulick, Seth and Bies, Ann and Mott, Justin and Kroch, Anthony and Santorini, Beatrice and Liberman, Mark
This paper introduces a new technique for phrase-structure parser analysis, categorizing possible treebank structures by integrating regular expressions into derivation trees.
Framework for analyzing parsing performance
2.1 Use of regular expressions
Second, we use a set of regular expressions (henceforth “regexes”) that categorize the possible structures in the treebank.
regular expressions is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Salameh, Mohammad and Cherry, Colin and Kondrak, Grzegorz
We define a word using the following regular expression:
Equation 1 may need to be modified for other languages or segmentation schemes, but our techniques generalize to any definition that can be written as a regular expression .
A chain is valid if it emits the beginning of a word as defined by the regular expression in Equation 1.
regular expressions is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: