Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Typepeer-reviewed conference proceedings, published
Publisher Association for Computational Linguistics

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Papers published in Proc. ACL frequently mention these topics.
  1. 176 papers (18%) mention language model
  2. 147 papers (15%) mention BLEU
  3. 140 papers (14%) mention machine translation
  4. 128 papers (13%) mention Treebank
  5. 108 papers (11%) mention POS tags
  6. 97 papers (9%) mention n-gram
  7. 91 papers (9%) mention bigram
  8. 90 papers (9%) mention WordNet
  9. 89 papers (9%) mention parse tree
  10. 89 papers (9%) mention development set
  11. 85 papers (8%) mention word alignment
  12. 84 papers (8%) mention SVM
  13. 83 papers (8%) mention named entity
  14. 82 papers (8%) mention dependency parsing
  15. 78 papers (8%) mention natural language
  16. 75 papers (7%) mention gold standard
  17. 73 papers (7%) mention translation model
  18. 71 papers (7%) mention feature set
  19. 71 papers (7%) mention BLEU score
  20. 69 papers (7%) mention semi-supervised
See all 234 topics found in Proc. ACL.


Themes are sets of two or more topics that frequently appear together in articles. These are the themes found in articles published in Proc. ACL.
  1. 93 papers (9%) mention
    1. machine translation
    2. BLEU
  2. 82 papers (8%) mention
    1. language model
    2. BLEU
  3. 47 papers (4%) mention
    1. Treebank
    2. POS tags
  4. 42 papers (4%) mention
    1. bigram
    2. unigram
  5. 42 papers (4%) mention
    1. sentence pairs
    2. word alignment
  6. 41 papers (4%) mention
    1. n-gram
    2. n-grams
  7. 40 papers (4%) mention
    1. dependency parsing
    2. dependency tree
  8. 38 papers (3%) mention
    1. topic models
    2. LDA
  9. 35 papers (3%) mention
    1. phrase-based
    2. translation model
  10. 34 papers (3%) mention
    1. machine translation
    2. language model
    3. translation model
  11. 31 papers (3%) mention
    1. labeled data
    2. unlabeled data
  12. 30 papers (3%) mention
    1. WordNet
    2. synsets
  13. 29 papers (2%) mention
    1. log-linear
    2. log-linear model
  14. 27 papers (2%) mention
    1. part-of-speech
    2. part-of-speech tags
  15. 27 papers (2%) mention
    1. role labeling
    2. semantic role
  16. 24 papers (2%) mention
    1. coreference
    2. coreference resolution
  17. 24 papers (2%) mention
    1. NER
    2. named entity
  18. 22 papers (2%) mention
    1. n-gram
    2. BLEU
    3. BLEU score
  19. 19 papers (1%) mention
    1. Chinese word
    2. word segmentation
  20. 18 papers (1%) mention
    1. phrase pair
    2. word alignment
See all 127 themes found in Proc. ACL.