Index of papers in Proc. ACL that mention
  • objective function
Morita, Hajime and Sasano, Ryohei and Takamura, Hiroya and Okumura, Manabu
Budgeted Submodular Maximization with Cost Function
The algorithm it-eratively adds to the current summary the element 3,- that has the largest ratio of the objective function gain to the additional cost, unless adding it violates the budget constraint.
Budgeted Submodular Maximization with Cost Function
After the loop, the algorithm compares Gi with the {3*} that has the largest value of the objective function among all subtrees that are under the budget, and it outputs the summary candidate with the largest value.
Joint Model of Extraction and Compression
4.1 Objective Function
Joint Model of Extraction and Compression
We designed our objective function by combining this relevance score with a penalty for redundancy and too-compressed sentences.
Joint Model of Extraction and Compression
The behavior can be represented by a submodular objective function that reduces word scores depending on those already included in the summary.
objective function is mentioned in 19 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Dasgupta, Anirban and Kumar, Ravi and Ravi, Sujith
of our system that approximates the submodular objective function proposed by (Lin and Bilmes, 2011).7 As shown in the results, our best system8 which uses the hs dispersion function achieves a better ROUGE-1 F-score than all other systems.
(3) We also analyze the contributions of individual components of the new objective function towards summarization performance by selectively setting certain parameters to 0.
However, since individual components within our objective function are parametrized it is easy to tune them for a specific task or genre.
We start by describing a generic objective function that can be widely applied to several summarization scenarios.
This objective function is the sum of a monotone submodular coverage function and a non-submodular dispersion function.
We then describe a simple greedy algorithm for optimizing this objective function with provable approximation guarantees for three natural dispersion functions.
Using the Framework
generate a graph and instantiate our summarization objective function with specific components that capture the desiderata of a given summarization task.
Using the Framework
We model this property in our objective function as follows.
Using the Framework
We then add this component to our objective function as w(S) = Zues Mu)-
objective function is mentioned in 16 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Lin, Hui and Bilmes, Jeff
As shown in Table 1, optimizing this objective function gives a ROUGE-1 F—measure score 32.44%.
Figure 1: ROUGE-1 F-measure scores on DUC—03 when oz and K vary in objective function 51(8) —|— AR1(S),
Of course, none of this is useful if the objective function .7: is inappropriate for the summarization task.
Monotone Submodular Objectives
Objective functions for extractive summarization usually measure these two separately and then mix them together trading off encouraging relevance and penalizing redundancy.
Monotone Submodular Objectives
The redundancy penalty usually violates the monotonicity of the objective functions (Carbonell and Goldstein, 1998; Lin and Bilmes, 2010).
Submodularity in Summarization
(1999) on the budgeted maximum cover problem to the general submodular framework, and show a practical greedy algorithm with a (1 — 1/ fi)-approximation factor, where each greedy step adds the unit with the largest ratio of objective function gain to scaled cost, while not violating the budget constraint (see (Lin and Bilmes, 2010) for details).
Submodularity in Summarization
In particular, Carbonell and Goldstein (1998) define an objective function gain of adding element k to set S (k ¢ 8) as:
Submodularity in Summarization
Although the authors may not have noticed, their objective functions are also submodular, adding more evidence suggesting that submodularity is natural for summarization tasks.
objective function is mentioned in 13 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Wu, Yuanbin and Ng, Hwee Tou
Inference with First Order Variables
Express the inference objective as a linear objective function ; and
Inference with First Order Variables
For the grammatical error correction task, the variables in ILP are indicators of the corrections that a word needs, the objective function measures how grammatical the whole sentence is if some corrections are accepted, and the constraints guarantee that the corrections do not conflict with each other.
Inference with First Order Variables
3.2 The Objective Function
Inference with Second Order Variables
(17) A new objective function combines the weights from both first and second order variables:
Variables of ILP are indicators of possible grammatical error corrections, the objective function aims to select the best set of corrections, and the constraints help to enforce a valid and grammatical output.
objective function is mentioned in 9 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Kuznetsova, Polina and Ordonez, Vicente and Berg, Alexander and Berg, Tamara and Choi, Yejin
Image-level Content Planning
4.1 Variables and Objective Function The following set of indicator variables encodes the selection of objects and ordering:
Image-level Content Planning
The objective function , F, that we will maximize is a weighted linear combination of these indicator variables and can be optimized using integer linear programming:
Image-level Content Planning
We use IBM CPLEX to optimize this objective function subject to the constraints introduced next in §4.2.
Surface Realization
5.1 Variables and Objective Function The following set of variables encodes the selection of phrases and their ordering in constructing 5’ sentences.
Surface Realization
Finally, we define the objective function F as:
Surface Realization
the objective function (Eq.
objective function is mentioned in 9 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhou, Guangyou and Liu, Fang and Liu, Yang and He, Shizhu and Zhao, Jun
Our Approach
Wh611 noring the coupling between Vp, it can be solved by minimizing the objective function as follows:
Our Approach
Combining equations (1) and (2), we get the following objective function:
Our Approach
If we set a small value for Ap, the objective function behaves like the traditional NMF and the importance of data sparseness is emphasized; while a big value of Ap indicates Vp should be very closed to V1, and equation (3) aims to remove the noise introduced by statistical machine translation.
objective function is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Lin, Dekang and Wu, Xiaoyun
Discussion and Related Work
Ando and Zhang (2005) defined an objective function that combines the original problem on the labeled data with a set of auxiliary problems on unlabeled data.
Discussion and Related Work
The combined objective function is then alternatingly optimized with the labeled and unlabeled data.
The learning algorithm then optimizes a regularized, convex objective function that is expressed in terms of these features.
distributed clustering algorithm with a similar objective function as the Brown algorithm.
Query Classification
We made a small modification to the objective function for logistic regression to take into account the prior distribution and to use 50% as a uniform decision boundary for all the classes.
Query Classification
When training the classifier for a class with [9 positive examples out of a total of n examples, we change the objective function to:
Query Classification
We suspect that such features make the optimization of the objective function much more difficult.
objective function is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Finkel, Jenny Rose and Manning, Christopher D.
We are also interested in ways to modify the objective function to place more emphasis on learning a good joint model, instead of equally weighting the learning of the joint and single-task models.
Hierarchical Joint Learning
L-BFGS and gradient descent, two frequently used numerical optimization algorithms, require computing the value and partial derivatives of the objective function using the entire training set.
Hierarchical Joint Learning
It requires a stochastic objective function, which is meant to be a low computational cost estimate of the real objective function .
Hierarchical Joint Learning
In most NLP models, such as logistic regression with a Gaussian prior, computing the stochastic objective function is fairly straightforward: you compute the model likelihood and partial derivatives for a randomly sampled subset of the training data.
objective function is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zeng, Xiaodong and Wong, Derek F. and Chao, Lidia S. and Trancoso, Isabel
This objective function can be optimized by the stochastic gradient method or other numerical optimization methods.
The squared-loss criterion1 is used to formulate the objective function .
Thus, the objective function can be optimized by L-BFGS-B (Zhu et al., 1997), a generic quasi-Newton gradient-based optimizer.
The first term in Equation (5) is the same as Equation (2), which is the traditional CRFs leam-ing objective function on the labeled data.
Related Work
And third, the derived label information from the graph is smoothed into the model by optimizing a modified objective function .
objective function is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Li, Chen and Qian, Xian and Liu, Yang
Gillick and Favre (Gillick and Favre, 2009) used bigrams as concepts, which are selected from a subset of the sentences, and their document frequency as the weight in the objective function .
Proposed Method 2.1 Bigram Gain Maximization by ILP
where 0;, is an auxiliary variable we introduce that is equal to |nbflaef — :8 2(3) * 715,8 , and nbyef is a constant that can be dropped from the objective function .
Proposed Method 2.1 Bigram Gain Maximization by ILP
To train this regression model using the given reference abstractive summaries, rather than trying to minimize the squared error as typically done, we propose a new objective function .
Proposed Method 2.1 Bigram Gain Maximization by ILP
The objective function for training is thus to minimize the KL distance:
Related Work
They used a modified objective function in order to consider whether the selected sentence is globally optimal.
objective function is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa and Tsujii, Jun'ichi and Ananiadou, Sophia
Also, SGD is very easy to implement because it does not need to use the Hessian information on the objective function .
Log-Linear Models
SGD uses a small randomly-selected subset of the training samples to approximate the gradient of the objective function given by Equation 2.
Log-Linear Models
The learning rate parameters for SGD were then tuned in such a way that they maximized the value of the objective function in 30 passes.
Log-Linear Models
Figure 3 shows how the value of the objective function changed as the training proceeded.
objective function is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Hermann, Karl Moritz and Blunsom, Phil
Further, these approaches typically depend on specific semantic signals such as sentiment- or topic-labels for their objective functions .
This results in the following objective function:
The objective function in Equation 2 could be coupled with any two given vector composition functions f, g from the literature.
To summarize, we have presented a novel method for learning multilingual word embeddings using parallel data in conjunction with a multilingual objective function for compositional vector models.
We describe a multilingual objective function that uses a noise-contrastive update between semantic representations of different languages to learn these word embeddings.
objective function is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Liu, Chang and Ng, Hwee Tou
Discussion and Future Work
Accordingly, our objective function is replaced by:
The Algorithm
3.4 The Objective Function
The Algorithm
We now define our objective function in terms of the variables.
The Algorithm
We are also constrained by the linear programming framework, hence we set the objective function as
objective function is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
He, Xiaodong and Deng, Li
Objective function We denote by 0 the set of all the parameters to be optimized, including forward phrase and lexicon translation probabilities and their backward counterparts.
Therefore, we design the objective function to be maximized as:
First, we propose a new objective function (Eq.
objective function is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Berant, Jonathan and Dagan, Ido and Adler, Meni and Goldberger, Jacob
The objective function is the sum of weights over the edges of g and the constraint 137;]- + mjk — mik g 1 on the binary variables enforces that whenever 137; j = mjk = 1, then also 137;], = 1 (transitivity).
Sequential Approximation Algorithms
Then, at each iteration a single node v is reattached (see below) to the FRG in a way that improves the objective function .
Sequential Approximation Algorithms
This is repeated until the value of the objective function cannot be improved anymore by reattaching a node.
Sequential Approximation Algorithms
Clearly, at each reattachment the value of the objective function cannot decrease, since the optimization algorithm considers the previous graph as one of its candidate solutions.
objective function is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Finkel, Jenny Rose and Kleeman, Alex and Manning, Christopher D.
Stochastic Optimization Methods
Stochastic optimization methods have proven to be extremely efficient for the training of models involving computationally expensive objective functions like those encountered with our task (Vishwanathan et al., 2006) and, in fact, the online backpropagation learning used in the neural network parser of Henderson (2004) is a form of stochastic gradient descent.
Stochastic Optimization Methods
In our experiments SGD converged to a lower objective function value than L-BFGS, however it required far
Stochastic Optimization Methods
Utilization of stochastic optimization routines requires the implementation of a stochastic objective function .
The Model
2.2 Computing the Objective Function
objective function is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Whitney, Max and Sarkar, Anoop
It is a bootstrapping learning method which uses a graph propagation algorithm with a well defined objective function .
Existing algorithms 3.1 Yarowsky
(2007) provide an objective function for this algorithm using a generalized definition of cross-entropy in terms of Bregman distance, which motivates our objective in section 4.
Graph propagation
6.5 Objective function
Variants of this algorithm have been formalized as optimizing an objective function in previous work by Abney (2004) and Haffari and Sarkar (2007), but it is not clear that any perform as well as the Yarowsky algorithm itself.
well-understood as minimizing an objective function at each iteration, and it obtains state of the art performance on several different NLP data sets.
objective function is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Feng, Song and Kang, Jun Seok and Kuznetsova, Polina and Choi, Yejin
Connotation Induction Algorithms
Objective function : We aim to maximize: F : (pprosody + (pcoord + (Dneu
Connotation Induction Algorithms
(Dneu : a Z wzged _ zj m Soft constraints (edge weights): The weights in the objective function are set as follows:
Precision, Coverage, and Efficiency
Objective function : We aim to maximize:
Precision, Coverage, and Efficiency
Hard constraints We add penalties to the objective function if the polarity of a pair of words is not consistent with its corresponding semantic relations.
Precision, Coverage, and Efficiency
Notice that dszjlr, d317,; satisfying above inequalities will be always of negative values, hence in order to maximize the objective function , the LP solver will try to minimize the absolute values of dsjj, dsgf, effectively pushing i and j toward the same polarity.
objective function is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Christensen, Janara and Soderland, Stephen and Bansal, Gagan and Mausam
SUMMA hierarchically clusters the sentences by time, and then summarizes the clusters using an objective function that optimizes salience and coherence.
Summarizing Within the Hierarchy
4.4 Objective Function
Summarizing Within the Hierarchy
Having estimated salience, redundancy, and two forms of coherence, we can now put this information together into a single objective function that measures the quality of a candidate hierarchical summary.
Summarizing Within the Hierarchy
Intuitively, the objective function should balance salience and coherence.
objective function is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Lavergne, Thomas and Cappé, Olivier and Yvon, François
Conditional Random Fields
The objective function is then a smooth convex function to be minimized over an unconstrained
Conditional Random Fields
In the following, we will jointly use both penalty terms, yielding the so-called elastic net penalty (Zhou and Hastie, 2005) which corresponds to the objective function
Conditional Random Fields
However, the introduction of a 61 penalty term makes the optimization of (6) more problematic, as the objective function is no longer differentiable in 0.
objective function is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Schütze, Hinrich
Experimental Setup
The reason is that the objective function maximizes mutual information.
Experimental Setup
Highly differentiated classes for frequent words contribute substantially to this objective function whereas putting all rare words in a few large clusters does not hurt the objective much.
Experimental Setup
However, our focus is on using clustering for improving prediction for rare events; this means that the objective function is counterproductive when contexts are frequency-weighted as they occur in the corpus.
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Yang, Bishan and Cardie, Claire
The objective function is defined as a linear combination of the potentials from different predictors with a parameter A to balance the contribution of two components: opinion entity identification and opinion relation extraction.
The objective function of ILP-W/O-ENTITY can be represented as
For ILP-W-SINGLE-RE, we simply remove the variables associated with one opinion relation in the objective function (1) and constraints.
The formulation of ILP-W/O-IMPLICIT—RE removes the variables associated with potential 7“,- in the objective function and corresponding constraints.
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Druck, Gregory and Mann, Gideon and McCallum, Andrew
Model parameters are estimated using a generalized expectation (GE) objective function that penalizes the mismatch between model predictions and linguistic expectation constraints.
Generalized Expectation Criteria
Generalized expectation criteria (Mann and McCallum, 2008; Druck et al., 2008) are terms in a parameter estimation objective function that express a preference on the value of a model expectation.
Generalized Expectation Criteria
2In general, the objective function could also include the likelihood of available labeled data, but throughout this paper we assume we have no parsed sentences.
With GE we may add a term to the objective function that encourages a feature-rich CRF to match this expectation on unlabeled data, and in the process learn about related features.
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Nguyen, Thang and Hu, Yuening and Boyd-Graber, Jordan
Adding Regularization
In this section, we briefly review regularizers and then add two regularizers, inspired by Gaussian (L2, Section 3.1) and Dirichlet priors (Beta, Section 3.2), to the anchor objective function (Equation 3).
Adding Regularization
Instead of optimizing a function just of the data cc and parameters 6, f (cc, 6), one optimizes an objective function that includes a regularizer that is only a function of parameters: f (w, 6) + 716).
Adding Regularization
This requires including the topic matrix as part of the objective function .
Anchor Words: Scalable Topic Models
Once we have established the anchor objective function, in the next section we regularize the objective function .
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jiang, Jing
A multitask transfer learning solution
We learn the optimal weight vectors {fikfifzv fiT and 3 by optimizing the following objective function:
A multitask transfer learning solution
The objective function follows standard empirical risk minimization with regularization.
A multitask transfer learning solution
Recall that we impose a constraint FV = 0 when optimizing the objective function .
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Moreno, Jose G. and Dias, Gaël and Cleuziou, Guillaume
Finally, the evolution of the objective function of the adapted K -means is modeled to automatically define the “best” number of clusters.
Polythetic Post-Retrieval Clustering
To assure convergence, an objective function Q is defined which decreases at each processing step.
Polythetic Post-Retrieval Clustering
The classical objective function is defined in Equation (1) where wk, is a cluster labeled k, xi 6 wk, is an object in the cluster, mm is the centroid of the cluster wk, and E(., is the Euclidean distance.
Polythetic Post-Retrieval Clustering
A direct consequence of the change in similarity measure is the definition of a new objective function Q53 to ensure convergence.
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Liu, Kai and Lü, Yajuan and Jiang, Wenbin and Liu, Qun
Bilingually-Guided Dependency Grammar Induction
In that case, we can use a single parameter 04 to control both weights for different objective functions .
Bilingually-Guided Dependency Grammar Induction
When 04 = 1 it is the unsupervised objective function in Formula (6).
Bilingually-Guided Dependency Grammar Induction
Contrary, if 04 = 0, it is the projection objective function (Formula (7)) for projected instances.
Unsupervised Dependency Grammar Induction
We select a simple classifier objective function as the unsupervised objective function which is instinctively in accordance with the parsing objective:
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ravi, Sujith and Knight, Kevin
In MDL, there is a single objective function to (1) maximize the likelihood of observing the data, and at the same time (2) minimize the length of the model description (which depends on the model size).
However, the search procedure for MDL is usually nontrivial, and for our task of unsupervised tagging, we have not found a direct objective function which we can optimize and produce good tagging results.
Small Models
Finally, we add an objective function that minimizes the number of grammar variables that are assigned a value of 1.
Small Models
objective function value of 459.3
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ma, Xuezhe and Xia, Fei
For projective parsing, several algorithms (McDonald and Pereira, 2006; Carreras, 2007; Koo and Collins, 2010; Ma and Zhao, 2012) have been proposed to solve the model training problems (calculation of objective function and gradient) for different factorizations.
Our Approach
We introduce a multiplier 7 as a tradeoff between the two contributions (parallel and unsupervised) of the objective function K, and the final objective function K I has the following form:
Our Approach
To train our parsing model, we need to find out the parameters A that minimize the objective function K I in equation (11).
Our Approach
objective function and the gradient of the objective function .
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Cohen, Shay B. and Collins, Michael
Additional Details of the Algorithm
Next, we modify the objective function in Eq. '
Additional Details of the Algorithm
Thus the new objective function consists of a sun of L x M 2 terms, each corresponding to a differen combination of inside and outside features.
2) Optimization of a convex objective function using EM.
The Learning Algorithm for L-PCFGS
Step 2: Use the EM algorithm to find 75 values that maximize the objective function in Eq.
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Lazaridou, Angeliki and Bruni, Elia and Baroni, Marco
Experimental Setup
The weights are estimated by minimizing the objective function
(2013), however, our objective function yielded consistently better results in all experimental settings.
8For this post-hoc analysis, we include a sparsity parameter in the objective function of Equation 5 in order to get more interpretable results; hidden units are therefore maximally activated by a only few concepts.
The adaptation of NN is straightforward; the new objective function is derived as
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Fyshe, Alona and Talukdar, Partha P. and Murphy, Brian and Mitchell, Tom M.
Experimental Results
For a given value of 6 we solve the NNSE(Text) and J NNSE(Brain+Text) objective function as detailed in Equation 1 and 4 respectively.
Joint NonNegative Sparse Embedding
new objective function is:
Joint NonNegative Sparse Embedding
With A or D fixed, the objective function for NNSE(Text) and JNNSE(Brain+Text) is convex.
NonNegative Sparse Embedding
NNSE solves the following objective function:
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Sun, Xu and Wang, Houfeng and Li, Wenjie
Related Work
The SGD uses a small randomly-selected subset of the training samples to approximate the gradient of an objective function .
System Architecture
.n, parameter estimation is performed by maximizing the objective function,
System Architecture
The final objective function is as follows:
System Architecture
t E('wt) = 'w* + H (I — vofimH(w*))('wo — 10*), m=1 where w* is the optimal weight vector, and H is the Hessian matrix of the objective function .
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ravi, Sujith and Baldridge, Jason and Knight, Kevin
Thus, the better starting point provided by EMGI has more impact than the integer program that includes G1 in its objective function .
Minimized models for supertagging
There are two complementary ways to use grammar-informed initialization with the IP-minimization approach: (1) using EMGI output as the starting grammar/lexicon and (2) using the tag transitions directly in the IP objective function .
Minimized models for supertagging
For the second, we modify the objective function used in the two IP-minimization steps to be:
Minimized models for supertagging
In this way, we combine the minimization and GI strategies into a single objective function that finds a minimal grammar set while keeping the more likely tag bigrams in the chosen solution.
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhang, Duo and Mei, Qiaozhu and Zhai, ChengXiang
Probabilistic Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis
Putting L(C) and R(C) together, we would like to maximize the following objective function which is a regularized log-likelihood:
Probabilistic Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis
Specifically, we will search for a set of values for all our parameters that can maximize the objective function defined above.
Probabilistic Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis
However, there is no closed form solution in the M-step for the whole objective function .
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Maas, Andrew L. and Daly, Raymond E. and Pham, Peter T. and Huang, Dan and Ng, Andrew Y. and Potts, Christopher
The full objective function of the model thus learns semantic vectors that are imbued with nuanced sentiment information.
Our Model
We can efficiently learn parameters for the joint objective function using alternating maximization.
Our Model
This produces a final objective function of,
Related work
We adopt this insight, but we are able to incorporate it directly into our model’s objective function .
objective function is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Lo, Chi-kiu and Beloucif, Meriem and Saers, Markus and Wu, Dekai
However, to go beyond tuning weights in the loglinear SMT model, a cross-lingual objective function that can deeply integrate semantic frame criteria into the MT training pipeline is needed.
While monolingual MEANT alone accurately reflects adequacy via semantic frames and optimizing SMT against MEANT improves translation, the new cross-lingual XMEANT semantic objective function moves closer toward deep integration of semantics into the MT training pipeline.
In order to continue driving MT towards better translation adequacy by deeply integrating semantic frame criteria into the MT training pipeline, it is necessary to have a cross-lingual semantic objective function that assesses the semantic frame similarities of input and output sentences.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Devlin, Jacob and Zbib, Rabih and Huang, Zhongqiang and Lamar, Thomas and Schwartz, Richard and Makhoul, John
Model Variations
For MT feature weight optimization, we use iterative k-best optimization with an Expected-BLEU objective function (Rosti et al., 2010).
Neural Network Joint Model (NNJ M)
While we cannot train a neural network with this guarantee, we can explicitly encourage the log-softmaX normalizer to be as close to 0 as possible by augmenting our training objective function:
Neural Network Joint Model (NNJ M)
Note that 04 = 0 is equivalent to the standard neural network objective function .
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Flanigan, Jeffrey and Thomson, Sam and Carbonell, Jaime and Dyer, Chris and Smith, Noah A.
Relation Identification
The score of graph G (encoded as 2) can be written as the objective function quz, where gbe = ¢Tg(e).
Relation Identification
To handle the constraint Az g b, we introduce multipliers p 2 0 to get the Lagrangian relaxation of the objective function:
Relation Identification
L(z) is an upper bound on the unrelaxed objective function quz, and is equal to it if and only if the constraints AZ g b are satisfied.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Chaturvedi, Snigdha and Goldwasser, Dan and Daumé III, Hal
Intervention Prediction Models
Similar to the traditional maximum margin based Support Vector Machine (SVM) formulation, our model’s objective function is defined as:
Intervention Prediction Models
Replacing the term fw (253,193) with the contents of Equation 1 in the minimization objective above, reveals the key difference from the traditional SVM formulation - the objective function has a maximum term inside the global minimization problem making it non-convex.
Intervention Prediction Models
The algorithm then performs two step iteratively - first it determines the structural assignments for the negative examples, and then optimizes the fixed objective function using a cutting plane algorithm.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Chang, Yin-Wen and Rush, Alexander M. and DeNero, John and Collins, Michael
Given a sentence e of length |e| = I and a sentence f of length |f| = J, our goal is to find the best bidirectional alignment between the two sentences under a given objective function .
The HMM objective function f : X —> R can be written as a linear function of :c
Similarly define the objective function
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Kang, Jun Seok and Feng, Song and Akoglu, Leman and Choi, Yejin
Pairwise Markov Random Fields and Loopy Belief Propagation
We next define our objective function .
Pairwise Markov Random Fields and Loopy Belief Propagation
and x to observed ones X (variables with known labels, if any), our objective function is associated with the following joint probability distribution
Pairwise Markov Random Fields and Loopy Belief Propagation
Finding the best assignments to unobserved variables in our objective function is the inference problem.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhang, Jiajun and Liu, Shujie and Li, Mu and Zhou, Ming and Zong, Chengqing
Bilingually-constrained Recursive Auto-encoders
After that, we introduce the BRAE on the network structure, objective function and parameter inference.
Bilingually-constrained Recursive Auto-encoders
In the semi-supervised RAE for phrase embedding, the objective function over a (phrase, label) pair (av, 25) includes the reconstruction error and the prediction error, as illustrated in Fig.
Bilingually-constrained Recursive Auto-encoders
3.3.1 The Objective Function
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Iyyer, Mohit and Enns, Peter and Boyd-Graber, Jordan and Resnik, Philip
Due to this discrepancy, the objective function in Eq.
For this model, we also introduce a hyperparameter 6 that weights the error at annotated nodes (1 — 6) higher than the error at unannotated nodes (6); since we have more confidence in the annotated labels, we want them to contribute more towards the objective function .
Recursive Neural Networks
This induces a supervised objective function over all sentences: a regularized sum over all node losses normalized by the number of nodes N in the training set,
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Vaswani, Ashish and Huang, Liang and Chiang, David
With the addition of the (0 prior, the MAP (maximum a posteriori) objective function is
Let F (6) be the objective function in
(Note that we don’t allow m = 0 because this can cause 6" + 6m to land on the boundary of the probability simplex, where the objective function is undefined.)
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhang, Hao and Quirk, Chris and Moore, Robert C. and Gildea, Daniel
By both changing the objective function to include a bias toward sparser models and improving the pruning techniques and efficiency, we achieve significant gains on test data with practical speed.
Given an unlimited amount of time, we would tune the prior to maximize end-to-end performance, using an objective function such as BLEU.
Phrasal Inversion Transduction Grammar
First we change the objective function by incorporating a prior over the phrasal parameters.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Haffari, Gholamreza and Sarkar, Anoop
AL-SMT: Multilingual Setting
This goal is formalized by the following objective function:
AL-SMT: Multilingual Setting
The nonnegative weights ad reflect the importance of the different translation tasks and 2d ad 2 l. AL-SMT formulation for single language pair is a special case of this formulation where only one of the ad’s in the objective function (1) is one and the rest are zero.
Sentence Selection: Multiple Language Pairs
The goal is to optimize the objective function (1) with minimum human effort in providing the translations.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Yang, Qiang and Chen, Yuqiang and Xue, Gui-Rong and Dai, Wenyuan and Yu, Yong
Image Clustering with Annotated Auxiliary Data
Based on the graphical model representation in Figure 3, we derive the log-likelihood objective function , in a similar way as in (Cohn and Hofmann, 2000), as follows
Image Clustering with Annotated Auxiliary Data
objective function ignores all the biases from the
Image Clustering with Annotated Auxiliary Data
points based on the objective function £ in Equation (5).
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zaslavskiy, Mikhail and Dymetman, Marc and Cancedda, Nicola
SMT comparably or better than the state-of-the-art beam-search strategy, converging on solutions with higher objective function in a shorter time.
Both algorithms do not show any clear score improvement with increasing running time which suggests that the decoder’s objective function is not very well correlated with the BLEU score on this corpus.
The Traveling Salesman Problem and its variants
LK works by generating an initial random feasible solution for the TSP problem, and then repeatedly identifying an ordered subset of k edges in the current tour and an ordered subset of k edges not included in the tour such that when they are swapped the objective function is improved.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhao, Shiqi and Lan, Xiang and Liu, Ting and Li, Sheng
Statistical Paraphrase Generation
In SMT, however, the optimization objective function in MERT is the MT evaluation criteria, such as BLEU.
Statistical Paraphrase Generation
We therefore introduce a new optimization objective function in this paper.
Statistical Paraphrase Generation
Replacement f-measure (rf): We use rf as the optimization objective function in MERT, which is similar to the conventional f-measure and lever-agesrp and rr: 7“f = (2 X 7”]?
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Das, Dipanjan and Petrov, Slav
PCS Induction
We trained this model by optimizing the following objective function:
PCS Projection
The first term in the objective function is the graph smoothness regularizer which encourages the distributions of similar vertices (large wij) to be similar.
PCS Projection
While it is possible to derive a closed form solution for this convex objective function , it would require the inversion of a matrix of order |Vf|.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Titov, Ivan
Constraints on Inter-Domain Variability
We augment the multi-conditional log-likelihood L(6, 04) with the weighted regularization term G(6) to get the composite objective function:
Empirical Evaluation
The initial learning rate and the weight decay (the inverse squared variance of the Gaussian prior) were set to 0.01, and both parameters were reduced by the factor of 2 every iteration the objective function estimate went down.
Learning and Inference
The stochastic gradient descent algorithm iterates over examples and updates the weight vector based on the contribution of every considered example to the objective function L R(6, 04, 6).
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Guo, Weiwei and Diab, Mona
Limitations of Topic Models and LSA for Modeling Sentences
In effect, LSA allows missing and observed words to equally impact the objective function .
Limitations of Topic Models and LSA for Modeling Sentences
Moreover, the true semantics of the concept definitions is actually related to some missing words, but such true semantics will not be favored by the objective function , since equation 2 allows for too strong an impact by Xij = 0 for any missing word.
The Proposed Approach
The model parameters (vectors in P and Q) are optimized by minimizing the objective function:
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Wang, Lu and Cardie, Claire
Surface Realization
Input : relation instances R = {(indi,argi>}£f=1, generated abstracts A = {absfijib objective function f , cost function G
Surface Realization
We employ the following objective function:
Surface Realization
Algorithm 1 sequentially finds an abstract with the greatest ratio of objective function gain to length, and add it to the summary if the gain is nonnegative.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Chen, Ruey-Cheng
Our analysis shows that its objective function can be efficiently approximated using the negative empirical pointwise mutual information.
Concluding Remarks
In this paper, we derive a new lower-bound approximate to the objective function used in the regularized compression algorithm.
Proposed Method
The new objective function is written out as Equation (4).
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Guo, Weiwei and Li, Hao and Ji, Heng and Diab, Mona
WTMF on Graphs
To implement this, we add a regularization term in the objective function of WTMF (equation 2) for each linked pairs ijl , 6233-2:
WTMF on Graphs
Therefore we approximate the objective function by treating the vector length |Q.,j as fixed values during the ALS iterations:
Weighted Textual Matrix Factorization
P and Q are optimized by minimize the objective function:
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Hermann, Karl Moritz and Blunsom, Phil
The gradient of the regularised objective function then becomes:
We learn the gradient using backpropagation through structure (Goller and Kuchler, 1996), and minimize the objective function using L-BFGS.
pred(l=l|v, 6) = Singid(Wlabel ’U + blabel) (9) Given our corpus of CCG parses with label pairs (N, l), the new objective function becomes:
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Li, Fangtao and Gao, Yang and Zhou, Shuchang and Si, Xiance and Dai, Decheng
Deceptive Answer Prediction with User Preference Graph
The best parameters w* can be found by minimizing the following objective function:
Deceptive Answer Prediction with User Preference Graph
The new objective function is changed as:
Deceptive Answer Prediction with User Preference Graph
In the above objective function , we impose a user graph regularization term
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Lu, Xiaoming and Xie, Lei and Leung, Cheung-Chi and Ma, Bin and Li, Haizhou
Our Proposed Approach
The objective function can be transformed
Our Proposed Approach
Given the low-dimensional semantic representation of the test data, an objective function can be defined as follows:
Our Proposed Approach
The story boundaries which minimize the objective function 8 in Eq.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Quirk, Chris
HMM alignment
Let us rewrite the objective function as follows:
HMM alignment
Note how this recovers the original objective function when matching variables are found.
This captures the positional information in the IBM models in a framework that admits exact parameter estimation inference, though the objective function is not concave: local maxima are a concern.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Socher, Richard and Bauer, John and Manning, Christopher D. and Andrew Y., Ng
We will first briefly introduce single word vector representations and then describe the CVG objective function , tree scoring and inference.
The main objective function in Eq.
The objective function is not differentiable due to the hinge loss.
objective function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: