Index of papers in April 2015 that mention
  • binding sites
Paul Egan, Jeffrey Moore, Christian Schunn, Jonathan Cagan, Philip LeDuc
Analytical and Agent-Based Modeling Approaches
Binding sites are spaced every xd (36nm) distance, based on actin’s highly conserved structure.
Analytical and Agent-Based Modeling Approaches
A myosin’s duty ratio r is found analytically by modifying past methods [27] and assuming a filament has traveled x distance at time t, with a myosin head having probability p0n(x,t) and pofl(x,t) of attaching and detaching to binding sites , respectively.
Analytical and Agent-Based Modeling Approaches
probabilityWhen considering k0" as a high rate of attachment that occurs for a myosin head within a spatial proximity xz to a binding site, and that myosins only bind While detached, the probabili-ty of binding Pan over time to as a site passes is:
binding sites is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Xiliang Zheng, Jin Wang
Theory and Analytical Models
Under the assumption of large receptor protein (large enough to effectively represent the sequences of the diverse receptor universe), obviously searching for all the binding sites or pockets of a particular finite size protein is equivalent to searching for the whole universe of the receptors.
Theory and Analytical Models
Therefore, in this case, probing interactions can be reached approximately equivalently by the following three approaches: (1) multiple ligands binding to the same receptor, or (2) multiple receptors binding to the same ligand, or (3) a ligand binding to a receptor exploring the different binding sites (modes).
Theory and Analytical Models
From the above equilvalence discussions in terms of probing the interactions of molecular recognition, another way of quantify the specificity is to find the discrimination in binding affinities of a ligand binding with different binding sites of a receptor.
binding sites is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: