Index of papers in April 2015 that mention
  • Hebbian
Kai Olav Ellefsen, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Jeff Clune
Hebb’s rule [45]) or infrequent reward signals [8, 46, 47].
This type of plasticity-controlling neuromodulation has been successfully applied when evolving neural networks that solve reinforcement learning problems [25, 46], and a comparison found that evolution was able to solve more complex tasks with neuromodu-lated Hebbian learning than with Hebbian learning alone [25].
However, even in the non-neuromodulatory (pure Hebbian ) experiments, P&CC is more modular (0.33 [95% Cl: 0.33, 0.33] vs PA 0.26 [0.22, 0.31 ], p = 1.16 x 10—12) and performs significantly better (0.72 [95% Cl: 0.71, 0.72] vs. PA 0.70 [0.69, 0.71], p = 0.003).
Learning Model
The ai'aj component is a regular Hebbian learning term that is high when the activity of the pre and post-synaptic neurons of a connection are correlated [45].
Learning Model
The result is a Hebbian learning rule that is regulated by the inputs from neuromodulatory neurons, allowing the learning rate of specific connections to be increased or decreased in specific circumstances.
The Importance of Neuromodulation
When we evolve Without neuromodulation, the Hebbian learning dynamics of each connection are constant throughout the lifetime of the organism: this is 0.75 — Normal Learning Forced Forgetting
The Importance of Neuromodulation
Comparing the performance of networks evolved with and without neuromodulation demonstrates that with purely Hebbian learning (i.e.
The Importance of Neuromodulation
This finding is in line with previous work demonstrating that neuromodulation allows evolution to solve more compleX reinforcement learning problems than purely Hebbian learning [25].
Hebbian is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Naoki Hiratani, Tomoki Fukai
Hebbian STDP shaped the lateral structure to improve signal detection performance.
Excitatory and inhibitory STDP cooperatively shape structured lateral connections
We first introduced Hebbian STDP for both E-to-I and I-to-E connections.
Excitatory and inhibitory STDP cooperatively shape structured lateral connections
Hebbian inhibitory STDP at lateral connections is not always beneficial for learning.
Excitatory and inhibitory STDP cooperatively shape structured lateral connections
For eXample, in minor source detection, if we use Hebbian inhibitory STDP, a slightly minor source is not detectable, whereas for anti-Hebbian STDP, a small number of neurons still detect the minor source because reciprocal connections from strong-source responsive inhibitory neurons to strong-source responsive output neurons inhibit synaptic weight development for the stronger source (Fig 6C).
If we assume WY 2 < > , and gZZ = 0, then the synaptic weight change follows
We have restricted our consideration to Hebbian STDP, but the properties of STDP on E-to-I and I-to-E connections are still debatable [58,59].
STDP in E-to-I and I-to-E connections
We showed that in a feedback circuit, Hebbian inhibitory STDP preferred winner-take-all while anti-Hebbian inhibitory STDP tended to cause winner-share-all (see Fukai and Tanaka 1997 for winner-share-all) at eXcitatory neurons (Fig 6D).
STDP in E-to-I and I-to-E connections
In our model, although inhibitory neurons are not directly projected from input sources, as excitatory neurons learn a specific input source (Fig 5D, left panel), inhibitory neurons acquire feature selectivity through Hebbian STDP at synaptic connections from those excitatory neurons (Fig 5D, middle panel).
average synaptic weight dynamics satisfy
The first two terms are Hebbian terms that depend on correlation by FX1 and FXZ, Whereas the remainders are homeostatic terms.
Hebbian is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: