Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • cell population
Nicolas Guex, Isaac Crespo, Sylvian Bron, Assia Ifticene-Treboux, Eveline Faes-van’t Hull, Solange Kharoubi, Robin Liechti, Patricia Werffeli, Mark Ibberson, Francois Majo, Michäel Nicolas, Julien Laurent, Abhishek Garg, Khalil Zaman, Hans-Anton Lehr, Brian J. Stevenson, Curzio Rüegg, George Coukos, Jean-François Delaloye, Ioannis Xenarios, Marie-Agnès Doucey
Analysis of cell phenotype and cytokine secretion by flow cytometry
The cell populations were manually examined based on their CD14 and CD11b intensities to identify DN, SP and DP cell populations and the frequency count and a mean intensity value for each channel were calculated.
Estimation of the relative contribution of each cell population in the total cytokine production
Estimation of the relative contribution of each cell population in the total cytokine production
Estimation of the relative contribution of each cell population in the total cytokine production
The coefficients were then used to infer the amount of cytokine by DN, SP and DP cell populations .
Identification of critical ligands impacting the phenotype and pro-angiogenic activity of TEM differentiated in vitro—Antagonistic effect of TG F-B and synergistic effects of TN F-or on TEM pro-angiogenic phenotype and function
Thus, cumulated TEM secretions from ivdTEM were measured experimentally and the secretions for TEM were mathematically inferred (ivdTEM correspond to double positive DP cell population , see Materials and Methods and S2 Fig.)
In vivo and in vitro angiogenesis assay
The bacterial li-popolysaccharide membrane receptor CD14 is a component of the innate immune system mainly expressed by monocytes and macrophages and commonly used as a marker of these cell populations .
Supporting Information
CD11b+, CD 14+ cells are gated from live and single cell population and the expression of Tie-2 and VEGFR-l was assessed in this population either in peripheral blood (A) or dissociated tumors (B).
Supporting Information
double positive DP cells) while in vitro differentiated cells encompassed three cell populations : DN: double negative (CD1 1b", CD14"), SP: single positive (CD1 1b", CD14+) and DP: double positive (CD11b+, CD14+).
Supporting Information
In vitro differentiated TEM correspond to the DP cell population and display a phenotype and functions intermediate to blood and tumor patient TEM (Fig.
cell population is mentioned in 16 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Christopher R. S. Banerji, Simone Severini, Carlos Caldas, Andrew E. Teschendorff
Infra-tumour heterogeneity, the diversity of the cancer cell population within the tumour of an individual patient, is related to cancer stem cells and is also considered a potential prognostic indicator in oncology.
Author Summary
The Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) hypothesis, the idea that a small population of tumour cells have the capacity to seed and grow the tumour, and intra-tumour heterogeneity, the diversity of the cancer cell population Within the tumour of an individual patient, have long been considered the basis of potential prognostic indicators in oncology.
These results were derived mostly from cell-lines, which are characterised by relatively homogeneous cell populations , and were further validated in time-course differentiation experiments [16].
In addition to quantifying stemness of the signalling regime of a homogeneous cell population, signalling entropy, if computed over a heterogeneous cell population , should also quantify the intercellular diversity in pathway activation.
We derived a sufficient condition on the eXpression profiles of homogeneous cell populations for signalling entropy to be a measure of intra-sample heterogeneity on average.
Rationale of signalling entropy as a prognostic measure
Thus, given a homogeneous cell population , a high signalling entropy suggests that signalling within each cell is very promiscuous and that the cells may therefore have a plastic stem cell like phenotype.
cell population is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Fiete Haack, Heiko Lemcke, Roland Ewald, Tareck Rharass, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher
A comprehensive model of WNT/,B-catenin signaling
Note that in our model we consider only one cell, instead of a heterogeneous cell population .
A comprehensive model of WNT/,B-catenin signaling
As shown in our aforementioned study, the impact of the cell cycle asynchrony on the average fi-catenin dynamics in cell populations is negligible [44].
A comprehensive model of WNT/,B-catenin signaling
Naturally, in a cell population , the released WNT molecules will most likely induce WNT/fi-catenin signaling in the neighboring cells as well (paracrine activation).
Author Summary
Human neural progenitor cells offer the promising perspective of using in-vitro grown neural cell populations for replacement therapies in the context of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s or Huntington’s disease.
Nuclear ,B-catenin dynamics during early differentiation in human neural progenitor cells
Also, at later time points the cell population of ReNcell VM197 is already so heterogeneous due to differentiation, that potential signal activities may originate from multiple sources.
cell population is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Matthew Hartfield, Samuel Alizon
Comparing pathogen growth against death rate
In [27] , the model assumed that the dynamics of the immune cell population took the form dy/ dt = pr xy (Equation 3 in that paper).
Model outline
The growth of the immune cell population is modelled using a logistic-growth curve:
Model outline
To proceed with finding an analytical solution for the emergence probability, we proceed as in previous analyses [21, 24, 31], and note that since y is monotonically increasing, we can use the immune cell population size as a surrogate measure of time.
cell population is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: