Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • cytokine
Nicolas Guex, Isaac Crespo, Sylvian Bron, Assia Ifticene-Treboux, Eveline Faes-van’t Hull, Solange Kharoubi, Robin Liechti, Patricia Werffeli, Mark Ibberson, Francois Majo, Michäel Nicolas, Julien Laurent, Abhishek Garg, Khalil Zaman, Hans-Anton Lehr, Brian J. Stevenson, Curzio Rüegg, George Coukos, Jean-François Delaloye, Ioannis Xenarios, Marie-Agnès Doucey
Analysis of cell phenotype and cytokine secretion by flow cytometry
Analysis of cell phenotype and cytokine secretion by flow cytometry
Analysis of cell phenotype and cytokine secretion by flow cytometry
Secreted cytokines and angiogenic factors were quantified in cell conditioned medium using FlowCytomiX technology (Bender MedSystems and RnD).
Estimation of the relative contribution of each cell population in the total cytokine production
Estimation of the relative contribution of each cell population in the total cytokine production
Estimation of the relative contribution of each cell population in the total cytokine production
For a given treatment, let Na, Nb and Nc be the relative number of cells present in each population (a = DN, b 2 SP, c 2 DP) and K be the amount of cytokine experimentally measured and expressed as a percentage of change of cytokine secretion to untreated cells.
Estimation of the relative contribution of each cell population in the total cytokine production
The coefficients were then used to infer the amount of cytokine by DN, SP and DP cell populations.
Patient and tissue specimens
TEM phenotype, cytokine secretion and pro-angiogenic activity were assessed by flow cytometry and in vivo or in vitro vascularization assay, respectively.
Reagents and antibodies
Common stocks of cytokines , inhibitors and assay reagents were used to minimize experimental variability.
Reagents and antibodies
Human recombinant cytokines were purchased from PeproTech (London, UK) and R&D Systems.
TEM from peripheral blood and tumor tissue of breast cancer patients show distinct pro-angiogenic phenotypes
Thus, CD11b+, CD14+ monocytes from patient blood and tumor tissue were referred to as “TEM” and compared with respect to receptor and cytokine expression.
TEM from peripheral blood and tumor tissue of breast cancer patients show distinct pro-angiogenic phenotypes
Blood and tumor TEM display a mixed M1-like (tumor-associated macrophages releasing inflammatory molecules) and M2-like (immunosuppressive macrophages polarized by anti-in-flammatory molecules) phenotype, with secretion of both the pro and antiinflammatory cytokines IL-12 and IL 10, respectively (Fig.
cytokine is mentioned in 20 sentences in this paper.
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