Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • cytometry
Nicolas Guex, Isaac Crespo, Sylvian Bron, Assia Ifticene-Treboux, Eveline Faes-van’t Hull, Solange Kharoubi, Robin Liechti, Patricia Werffeli, Mark Ibberson, Francois Majo, Michäel Nicolas, Julien Laurent, Abhishek Garg, Khalil Zaman, Hans-Anton Lehr, Brian J. Stevenson, Curzio Rüegg, George Coukos, Jean-François Delaloye, Ioannis Xenarios, Marie-Agnès Doucey
Analysis of cell phenotype and cytokine secretion by flow cytometry
Analysis of cell phenotype and cytokine secretion by flow cytometry
Analysis of cell phenotype and cytokine secretion by flow cytometry
Following blocking of Fc receptors with antibodies, cells were labeled with CD 14 (PerCP-Cy5.5), CD1 1b (FITC), TIE-2 (Alexa 647), VEGFR-l (PE), TGFBR-l (Pacific Blue), TNF-Rl (Pacific Orange), CXCR4-, CCR5-, oc5l31-biotinylated specific antibodies (followed by strepta-vidin-Marina Blue) and analysed by flow cytometry using a Facs LSRII (BD Biosciences) equipped with a 610/20 nm filter on the violet detector.
Combining computational and experimental approaches to delineate the pathways controlling TEM pro-angiogenic function
TEM release of angiogenic factors measured by flow cytometry .
Identification of critical ligands impacting the phenotype and pro-angiogenic activity of TEM differentiated in vitro—Antagonistic effect of TG F-B and synergistic effects of TN F-or on TEM pro-angiogenic phenotype and function
First, changes in TEM phenotype were evaluated by flow cytometry 36h post treatment.
Patient and tissue specimens
TEM phenotype, cytokine secretion and pro-angiogenic activity were assessed by flow cytometry and in vivo or in vitro vascularization assay, respectively.
Supporting Information
TEM) cell populations were measured by flow cytometry 36 hours posttreatment and displayed as mean logz ratios relative to untreated cells.
TEM from peripheral blood and tumor tissue of breast cancer patients show distinct pro-angiogenic phenotypes
We characterized by flow cytometry the phenotype of TEM from patient peripheral blood and freshly dissociated tumor specimens obtained at time of surgery (see Material and Methods).
TEM from peripheral blood and tumor tissue of breast cancer patients show distinct pro-angiogenic phenotypes
Based on our immunostaining and flow cytometry protocol we observed that TEM did not constitute a distinct subset of monocytes.
TEM from peripheral blood and tumor tissue of breast cancer patients show distinct pro-angiogenic phenotypes
Expression levels of receptors and integrin measured by flow cytometry at the surface of TEM.
cytometry is mentioned in 9 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jérôme R. D. Soiné, Christoph A. Brand, Jonathan Stricker, Patrick W. Oakes, Margaret L. Gardel, Ulrich S. Schwarz
Comparison with FTTC
One of the most common techniques to reconstruct traction force based on TFM data is Fourier Transform Traction Cytometry (FTTC) [9,10].
Displacement analysis and FTTC force reconstruction
From the displacement data, Fourier transform traction cytometry (FTTC) [9] was then used to estimate traction stress [10].
(C) Reconstruction of the traction forces with regularized Fourier Transform Traction Cytometry depends on the choice of a regularization parameter.
cytometry is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: