Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • normal distribution
Dimitri Yatsenko, Krešimir Josić, Alexander S. Ecker, Emmanouil Froudarakis, R. James Cotton, Andreas S. Tolias
Functional connectivity as a network of pairwise interactions
Assuming that the population response follows a multivariate normal distribution , the conditional dependencies between pairs of neurons are expressed by the partial correlations between them.
Model selection
We evaluated the covariance matriX estimators using a loss function derived from the normal distribution .
Model selection
However, this does not limit the applicability of its conclusions to normal distributions .
Here, in the role of the loss function we adopted the Kullback-Leibler divergence between multivariate normal distributions with equal means, scaled by; to make its values comparable across different population sizes:
For simulation, ground truth covariance matrices were produced by taking 150 independent samples from an artificial population of 50 independent, identically normally distributed units.
Samples were then drawn from multivariate normal distributions models with the respective true covariance matrices to be estimated by each of the estimators.
normal distribution is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
James A. Geraets, Eric C. Dykeman, Peter G. Stockley, Neil A. Ranson, Reidun Twarock
Analysis of the tomogram via graph theory
As discussed in Methods, we attributed tomographic density to each of the 25 long edges of the polyhedral cage representing the icosahedrally-averaged density considered in this analysis and fitted it to a normal distribution .
Analysis of the tomogram via graph theory
A ranking of the level of density associated with these edges was achieved using the mean of the fitted normal distribution .
The density profiles of the long edges
We computed fitted normal distributions using the normfit function from the scipy.stats python library, since for a sparse dataset the mean of a fitted normal distribution is less affected by outliers than the raw data.
The density profiles of the long edges
The normal fitting function automatically calculated the best positioning of a unimodal normal distribution for the dataset.
normal distribution is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Adrien Wohrer, Christian K. Machens
Derivation of the linear characteristic equations
Then, § (given 5) is normally distributed , and eq.
Experimental statistics of neural activity and choice
We obtain them as the best (MSE) fit to the following formula: where (I) is the standard cumulative normal distribution .
Sensitivity and CC signals as a function of K
(Actually, we postulate that E[PlK] is exactly diagonal when the random vectors x.- follow a normal distribution .
normal distribution is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: