Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • steady state
Nicolas Guex, Isaac Crespo, Sylvian Bron, Assia Ifticene-Treboux, Eveline Faes-van’t Hull, Solange Kharoubi, Robin Liechti, Patricia Werffeli, Mark Ibberson, Francois Majo, Michäel Nicolas, Julien Laurent, Abhishek Garg, Khalil Zaman, Hans-Anton Lehr, Brian J. Stevenson, Curzio Rüegg, George Coukos, Jean-François Delaloye, Ioannis Xenarios, Marie-Agnès Doucey
Computing minimal all perturbations sets in ivdTEM regulatory network
The MIS algorithm proposed in [43,44] was then applied to compute all possible minimal perturbation sets to force the network into desired steady state or phenotype.
Computing minimal all perturbations sets in ivdTEM regulatory network
either high or low) in the desired final steady state .
Construction of dynamical models from the experimental data using TEM differentiated in vitro
Given a regulatory network, MIS patterns represent a set of simultaneous perturbations (or treatments) to force the network into a desired steady state , where a subset of nodes remain at a fixed expression level of either low or high [41,42].
Construction of dynamical models from the experimental data using TEM differentiated in vitro
The term minimal implies that no other subset of an M18 pattern can lead to the desired steady state behavior.
Construction of dynamical models from the experimental data using TEM differentiated in vitro
However, for a given network, there can be more than one MIS patterns to generate the same steady state .
The physiologically relevant combinations of ligands were discovered by applying the recently proposed MIS algorithm [43,44] to predict all minimal perturbations in the inferred regulatory network that can transition TEM into desired steady states (Table 4).
The state of the network at a given instant can change depending on the state of the other nodes and can ultimately stabilize into attractors of either a single state ( steady state ) or an oscillating set of states (cycling attractors) [2].
The Boolean steady state of the network has been shown to correspond to the cellular states for various regulatory networks in the past [3].
Boolean modeling of steady state transitions helps in understanding the influence of perturbations on system wide behavior and has been used to identify the key molecular mechanisms controlling gene expression [4,5,6] and regulation [7,8], cell differentiation [9] and signal transduction [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20].
The plasticity of TEM predicted computationally was validated experimentally using TEM differentiated in vitro
Therefore blood and tumor TEM can be viewed as two distinct cell steady state behaviors and ivdTEM as an intermediate state (Tables 2 and 3).
The plasticity of TEM predicted computationally was validated experimentally using TEM differentiated in vitro
blood TEM) steady states respectively.
steady state is mentioned in 12 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
João Couto, Daniele Linaro, E De Schutter, Michele Giugliano
For the computation of the PRC, we evolved the model until it reached a steady state and then applied pulses of current (0.5 ms duration and 0.5 nA amplitude) at random times with a mean period between perturbations of 2.5 HZ.
In both cases, the algorithm employed to compute the PRC differed from that used in the single compartment model and resembled the one adopted in [42, 43]: briefly, after evolving the model until it reached a steady state , we identified two spike times to and t1 such that the 181 1‘1 — to was of the appropriate duration.
Similarly, it is often necessary to wait until PCs reach a steady state firing rate before initiating the repeated stimulation protocol.
1A), employed to speedup convergence to the firing rate steady state and reduce very slow fluctuations.
Additionally, we set the simulation temperature to 28°C, in order to span a broader range of steady state firing frequencies, particularly in the low end of the spectrum.
steady state is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Carson C. Chow, Kelsey K. Finn, Geoffery B. Storchan, Xinping Lu, Xiaoyan Sheng, S. Stoney Simons Jr.
Equivalent irreversible kinetic scheme for the theory
Any kinetic scheme, reversible or irreversible, that obeys a similar set of equations at steady state Will have a linear-fractional dose-response.
Equivalent irreversible kinetic scheme for the theory
In steady state , the neW product obeys [X’] = q[X] [P] With mass which mimics a CLS step.
Equivalent irreversible kinetic scheme for the theory
Reversible and irreversible reactions could be combined as long as the steady state conditions resemble the equilibrium conditions (2) and the mass conservation conditions have bilinear form.
Theory of non-cooperative gene induction
In steady state , the concentrations obey the equilibrium conditions and the mass conservation conditions where X?
steady state is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Alejandro Torres-Sánchez, Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, Fernando Falo
We have shown that one important ingredient affecting the dynamical behavior of the chain is noise, which plays a key role in onset of the pattern formation, i.e., the transition from the initial chain of vegetative cells to the steady state in which heterocysts coexist with vegetative cyanobacteria.
Regulatory equations
(5) for the steady state .
Unicellular dynamics
Taking into account the difference between the relaxation times of the constituents of the model, given by the inverses of d* (see Table 1), we can interpret it as composed of two temporally separated systems: a rapid one, formed by HetR and NtcA, showing fast dynamics that relaxes to its steady state almost instantaneously and a slow one, composed of PatS and cN, whose evolution is dictated by the values of HetR and thA in their instantaneous equilibrium.
Unicellular dynamics
The steady state is very robust against perturbations since it is far from the bifurcation region and there is a significant distance to the saddle in the qr — qa plane.
steady state is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: