Index of papers in PLOS Comp. Biol. that mention
  • PSTH
Ross S. Williamson, Maneesh Sahani, Jonathan W. Pillow
Although first introduced as a quantity that can be computed from the peri-stimulus time histogram ( PSTH ) measured in response to a repeated stimulus, the single-spike information can also be expressed as the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between two distributions over the stimulus (see [26] , appendix B):
Single-spike information and Poisson log-likelihood
An important general corollary to the equivalence between MID and an LNP maximum likelihood estimate is that the standard single-spike information estimate lss based on a PSTH measured in response to repeated stimuli is also a Poisson log-likelihood per spike (plus a constant).
Single-spike information and Poisson log-likelihood
Where XML denotes the maximum-likelihood or plugin estimate of the time-varying spike rate (i.e., the PSTH itself), 2: is the mean spike rate across time, and £(9c;r) denotes the log-likeli-hood of the repeat data r under a Poisson model With time-varying rate 2v.
Single-spike information and Poisson log-likelihood
The plugin (ML) estimator for spike rate can be read off from the peri-stimulus time histogram ( PSTH ).
PSTH is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Naoki Hiratani, Tomoki Fukai
Lateral inhibition enhances minor source detection by STDP
If we focus on the peristimulus time histogram ( PSTH ) for the average membrane potential of output neurons aligned to external events, both neuron groups initially show weak responses to both correlation events, and yet the depolarization is relatively higher for source A than for source B (Fig 2C left).
The PSTH of firing shows that the behavior of the membrane potential in the Poisson model is similar (Fig IC and SIE Fig).
Supporting Information
(D) PSTH of the membrane potential calculated for gray areas in (A).
Supporting Information
(E) Peristimulus time histogram ( PSTH ) of the firing probability for the same simulation.
PSTH is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Adrien Wohrer, Christian K. Machens
Experimental measures of behavior and neural activities
First, neuron is trial-averaged activity in response to each tested stimulus s is given by the peri-stimulus time histogram ( PSTH ) or time-varying firing rate, mi(t; s) (Fig.
Experimental measures of behavior and neural activities
In so-called “fine” discrimination tasks, the stimuli 5 display only moderate variations around the central value so, so that the PSTH at each instant in time can often be approximated by a linear function of s: mi(t ; s) 2 m?
Experimental statistics of neural activity and choice
Here, 141(5) is the psychometric curve, mi(t; s) is known as the PSTH , and Cz-J-(t, u; s) as the IPSTH.
PSTH is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Maxim Volgushev, Vladimir Ilin, Ian H. Stevenson
Prediction of spikes
With this small number of inputs, the average response only weakly matches the peri-stimulus time histogram ( PSTH ) of observed spike responses (R = 0.09:0.02, PSTHs estimated by a maximum likelihood, fixed bandwidth kernel density estimator).
Prediction of spikes
9, middle), and the simulated PSTH more accurately matches the observed responses to repeated trials (R = 0.73:0.06).
Prediction of spikes
Similarly, the bilinear model reproduces the PSTH with R = 0.10:0.02 and R = 0.55:0.04 When 5% and 100% of the inputs are observed, respectively.
PSTH is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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