Index of papers in PLOS Comp. Biol. that mention
  • simulated neurons
Daniel Bendor
Comparison of model-based predictions and real neuronal responses
In the simulated neuronal population, synchronized neurons had a mean minimum latency of 10.8 ms, while non-synchronized neurons had a mean minimum latency of 16.6 ms (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P < 1.4 x 1089).
Comparison of model-based predictions and real neuronal responses
We observed that mixed neurons had a mean minimum latency ( simulated neurons : 8.0 ms, real neurons: 16.2 ms) not significantly different from synchronized neurons (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.053 (simulated), P = 0.30 (real)) and significantly different from non-synchronized neurons (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P<3.1x10'75 (simulated), P<1.1x10'5 (real)).
Comparison of model-based predictions and real neuronal responses
In the simulated neuronal population, synchronized neurons had a mean onset/ sustained ratio of 0.69, while non-synchronized neurons had a mean onset/ sustained ratio of 0.18 (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P < 6.1 x 10124).
We observed that for the simulated neuronal population, mixed neurons had a significantly higher discharge rate to pure tones than either non-synchronized and synchronized neurons (Fig.
One potential reason for this is a higher percentage of simulated neurons receiving very strong inhibition than in our real neuronal population.
Model parameters underlying rate and temporal representations
While both of these examples of simulated neurons differ in the robustness of their temporal representation, they closely match the general properties of real synchronized neurons (Fig.
Model parameters underlying rate and temporal representations
While both of these examples of simulated neurons differ in the dynamic range of their rate representation, they closely match the general properties of real non-synchronized neurons (Fig.
Model parameters underlying rate and temporal representations
For example, we allowed simulated neurons to have pure tone evoked discharge rates in the range of 1—50 spk/s, reflecting the range of discharge rates observed in our real data.
Responses to pulse trains in real and simulated cortical neurons
Next we compared the rate and temporal representations generated by real and simulated neurons .
Responses to pulse trains in real and simulated cortical neurons
2c), although simulated neurons had a substantially better temporal fidelity.
simulated neurons is mentioned in 29 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Maxim Volgushev, Vladimir Ilin, Ian H. Stevenson
Comparing current and conductance-based inputs with simulated neurons
Comparing current and conductance-based inputs with simulated neurons
Supporting Information
Spike statistics in observed and simulated neurons .
Supporting Information
Inter-spike interval distributions and cross-correlograms for synaptic inputs of different strength in a neuron recorded in a slice (“Observed”) along with results from two adaptive-exponential integrate-and-fire simulated neurons , receiving inputs either Via current-based or conductance-based synapses.
Supporting Information
Parameters and model accuracy for simulated neurons .
simulated neurons is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ross S. Williamson, Maneesh Sahani, Jonathan W. Pillow
DKL<p(x|r = 0) p(x)) is the information (per spike) carried by silences, and
The simulated neuron had Bernoulli (i.e., binary) spiking, where the probability of a spike increased linearly from 0 to 1 as evaried from —rr/2 to 17/2, that is: p(spikel0) = 0/rr+1/2.
Equivalence of MID and maximum-likelihood LNP
3 illustrates this point using data from a simulated neuron With a single filter in a two-dimensional stimulus space.
We illustrate this shortcoming by showing that MID can fail to find information-maximizing filters for simulated neurons with binary or other non-Poisson spike count distributions.
simulated neurons is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: