Index of papers in PLOS Comp. Biol. that mention
  • wild type
Andy Phaiboun, Yiming Zhang, Boryung Park, Minsu Kim
(in such case, it is expected that rpoS mutants outcompete the wild type cells.)
In such case, it would be more advantageous to use up all the nutrients and the rpoS mutants may be more fit than the wild type cells.
Obviously, conserving the limiting nutrients by the wild type cells is one form of cooperation and rpoS mutants may appear as cheaters.
Prolonged survival of starving cells by a RpoS-mediated negative feedback loop
1) for the wild type cells in the following way.
Quantitative analyses reveal simple empirical formulas describing the kinetics
To quantitatively analyze the survival kinetics of the wild type cells under starvation, we re-plotted the data in a manner that reveals the power law exponent of exponential functions; we denoted the number of colony-forming units at the time zero by NO and plotted log (N0 /NCFU) against time in a log-log plot (Fig.
RpoS plays an important role in the maintenance of NCFU observed in the first phase of the biphasic decay
This is higher than that of the wild type strain, —/,4 0 (= —0.018 hr '1), consistent with previous observation [18,25].
RpoS plays an important role in the maintenance of NCFU observed in the first phase of the biphasic decay
However, the period is much shorter than the period of gradual decay for the wild type cells (green region); note that the exact determination of this period is discussed below and in Fig.
RpoS plays an important role in the maintenance of NCFU observed in the first phase of the biphasic decay
This indicates that rpoS plays an important role for the wild type strain to maintain
RpoS —| cell growth
Note that at intermediate substrate concentrations, A of ArpoS strain is higher than that of the wild type strain [30—32].
RpoS —| cell growth
Also, note that when the substrate is completely exhausted, the culture of the ArpoS strain loses viability more rapidly than the wild type strain (see [18,25] and Fig.
RpoS —| cell growth
28); thus, the value of A(0) of ArpoS strain should be less than that of the wild type strain.
wild type is mentioned in 15 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jian Tian, Jaie C. Woodard, Anna Whitney, Eugene I. Shakhnovich
Experimental characterization of predicted mutants
In particular, the stability of the quintuple mutant (T68N,Q108D,T113V,E120P,S138Y) was found to be substantially higher than that of the wild type protein (Table 1), with Tm 7.2°C higher than WT, and Cm, the urea concentration at the mid-unfolding point, was 0.43M higher than WT.
Protein expression and purification
A single colony of the transformed E. coli carrying the wild type or mutation dhfr was cultured in Luria-Bertani liquid medium containing 50 ug/mL kanamycin (LB-kana) at 30°C overnight, and then inoculated to fresh LB-kana (1:100 dilution) and incubated again at 30°C.
Site-directed protein mutagenesis of DHFR
The wild type dhfr gene was cloned in a pET24 expression vector under the inducible T7 promoter, then transformed into BL21(DE3) cells [69].
Supporting Information
The RMSDs of DHFR wild type and mutants 11 15A and 1155T vs. Monte Carlo step at temperatures from 0.1 to 3.2.
Supporting Information
The total energy of DHFR wild type and mutants 11 15A and 1155T vs. Monte Carlo step at temperatures from 0.1 to 3.2.
Supporting Information
The number of contacts for DHFR wild type and mutants 11 15A and 1155T vs.
(A) Correlation between simulated Tm and experimental Tm, averaging over different numbers of replications, for the DHFR wild type and mutants.
(B) Correlation between the simulated Tm and experimental Tm with different numbers of MC steps and 50 replications, forthe DHFR wild type and mutants.
wild type is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Antreas C. Kalli, Mark S. P. Sansom, Reinhart A. F. Reithmeier
Supporting Information
A. Interactions of UraA with the POPE, POPG and CL molecules as a function of the simulation time for one of the CG simulations with the wild type UraA (10 us simulation; UraA-CG in Table 1).
Supporting Information
Number of CL (A), POPG (B) and POPE (C) lipids in contact with the UraA over the course of the simulations with the wild type and the mutated forms of UraA.
Supporting Information
On average, UraA associates with ~ 2 or 3 CLs, ~ 8 POPGs and ~ 12 POPEs in the simulations with the wild type protein.
wild type is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Thomas W. Spiesser, Clemens Kühn, Marcus Krantz, Edda Klipp
The requirement to enter mitosis here equals the one in the wild type so that, in Model-1, CLN overexpressing cells are very similar in size compared with wild type cells.
Supporting Information
Shown are culture averages of G1 and S-Gz-M durations, and the average volume at birth, at START and at budding for fast growing Wild type (WT, solid empty bars) and CLN over producing (oCLN, dashed empty bars) cells.
mCLB localization is required to equilibrate S-Gz-M duration between generations
(A) Cell size distributions are shown for the fast growing wild type (WT, solid lines) and CLN over producing mutant (OE-CLN, dashed lines) simulated with Model-1 (red) and Model-2 (blue), corresponding to a CLN3 overexpression mutant in vivo.
mCLB localization is required to equilibrate S-Gz-M duration between generations
(B) Average length of G1, S-GZ-M and average cell volume are shown for the wild type (solid bars) and OE-CLN cells (dashed bars) simulated with Model-1 (red) and Model-2 (blue).
wild type is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jérémie Sibille, Khanh Dao Duc, David Holcman, Nathalie Rouach
Electrophysiological recordings
Acute transverse hippocampal slices (400 um) were prepared as previously described [42,52—54] from 19—25 days-old wild type mice.
Kir4.1 channel contribution to neuronal firing and extracellular K+ levels
Because Kir4.1'/' mice display altered synaptic plasticity compared to wild type mice [22,26] , we recalibrated the synaptic current (lapp) parameters TreC and Tinact in equations 1,2 (see Table 1) for the facilita-tion-depression model to get an optimal fit to the recorded postsynaptic responses [26].
Materials and Methods
Experiments were performed on the hippocampus of wild type mice (C57BL6).
wild type is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Feng Fu, Martin A. Nowak, Sebastian Bonhoeffer
We consider two spatial compartments with dichotomic distributions of drugs: compartment ‘0’ can hardly be penetrated by the cancer drug, thereby representing a perfect drug sanctuary site; compartment ‘1’ is distributed with an adequate amount of drugs that is able to completely wipe out any wild type cells.
We denote the genotypes of cells by the number of acquired point mutations: the wild type ‘0’ and the resistant type ‘1’ (see Materials & Methods for a detailed description of the model).
Moreover, the fitness cost of resistance, 5, for resistant cells located in the sanctuary compartment 0 can be parameterized as 1910 = (1—5)b00, while the fitness cost of sensitivity, 6, for wild type cells in the drug-containing compartment 1, 1901 = (1—6)b00.
wild type is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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