Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2008 that mention
  • binarization
Finkel, Jenny Rose and Kleeman, Alex and Manning, Christopher D.
Lastly, for the WSJ40 runs we used a simple, right branching binarization where each active state is annotated with its previous sibling and first child.
The Model
Binarization of rules (Earley, 1970) is necessary to obtain cubic parsing time, and closure of unary chains is required for finding total probability mass (rather than just best parses) (Stolcke, 1995).
The Model
This was done by collapsing all allowed unary chains to single unary rules, and disallowing multiple unary rule applications over the same span.1 We give the details of our binarization scheme in Section 5.
binarization is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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