Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2008 that mention
  • contextual information
Ding, Shilin and Cong, Gao and Lin, Chin-Yew and Zhu, Xiaoyan
Table 6: Contextual Information for Answer Detection.
Linear CRFs with contextual information perform better than those without context.
The results clearly shows that contextual information greatly improves the performance of answer detection.
As shown in the example, a forum question usually requires contextual information to provide background or constraints.
Moreover, it sometimes needs contextual information to provide explicit link to its answers.
We call contextual information the context of a question in this paper.
contextual information is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhang, Dongdong and Li, Mu and Duan, Nan and Li, Chi-Ho and Zhou, Ming
We also compared the performance of our model based on different contextual information , and show that both large-scale monolingual data and parallel bilingual data can be helpful to generate correct measure words.
Model Training and Application 3.1 Training
Then, the collocation between measure words and head words and their surrounding contextual information are extracted to train the measure word selection models.
Model Training and Application 3.1 Training
Then, contextual information within the windows in the source and the target sentence is extracted and fed to the measure word selection model.
Model Training and Application 3.1 Training
We do not integrate our measure word generation module into the SMT decoder since there is only little target contextual information available during SMT decoding.
Our Method
Based on contextual information contained in both input source sentence and SMT system’s output translation, a measure word candidate set M is constructed.
Our Method
After obtaining the measure word candidate set M, a measure word selection model is employed to select the best one from M. Given the contextual information C in both source window and target
contextual information is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Szpektor, Idan and Dagan, Ido and Bar-Haim, Roy and Goldberger, Jacob
CP enriches the representation of textual objects with typical contextual information that constrains or disambiguates their meaning, and provides matching functions that compare the preferences of objects involved in the inference.
Contextual Preferences
Overall, such incorrect inferences may be avoided by considering contextual information for t, h and 7“ during their matching process.
Contextual Preferences
In this framework, the representation of an object 2, where 2 may be a text, a template or an entailment rule, is enriched with contextual information denoted cp(z).
contextual information is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhao, Shiqi and Wang, Haifeng and Liu, Ting and Li, Sheng
In addition, we will try to make better use of the context information when replacing paraphrase patterns in context sentences.
In Section 4.1, we have evaluated the precision of the paraphrase patterns without considering context information .
The context information was also considered by our judges.
contextual information is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: