Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2008 that mention
  • feature weights
Deng, Yonggang and Xu, Jia and Gao, Yuqing
A Generic Phrase Training Procedure
15: Discriminatively train feature weights N, and threshold 7'
The parameter controlling the degree of attenuation in BLT is also optimized together with other feature weights .
Experimental Results
These feature weights are tuned on the dev set to achieve optimal translation performance using downhill simplex method.
Experimental Results
Once we have computed all feature values for all phrase pairs in the training corpus, we discriminatively train feature weights Aks and the threshold 7' using the downhill simplex method to maximize the BLEU score on 06dev set.
Experimental Results
Since the translation engine implements a log-linear model, the discriminative training of feature weights in the decoder should be embedded in the whole end-to-end system jointly with the discriminative phrase table training process.
feature weights is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
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