Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2008 that mention
  • phrase table
Deng, Yonggang and Xu, Jia and Gao, Yuqing
The phrase table extracting procedure is trainable and can be optimized jointly with the translation engine.
As the figure 1 shows, when we increase the threshold by allowing more candidate phrase pair hypothesized as valid translation, we observe the phrase table size increases monotonically.
Figure 1: Thresholding effects on translation performance and phrase table size
Experimental Results
Our baseline phrase table training method is the ViterbiExtract algorithm.
Experimental Results
We notice that Model-4 based phrase table performs roughly 1% better in terms of both BLEU and METEOR scores than that based on HMM.
Experimental Results
Since the translation engine implements a log-linear model, the discriminative training of feature weights in the decoder should be embedded in the whole end-to-end system jointly with the discriminative phrase table training process.
phrase table is mentioned in 11 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Li, Zhifei and Yarowsky, David
Experimental Results
As clear in Table 7, it is important to rerun MERT (on MT02 only) with the augmented phrase table in order to get performance gains.
Experimental Results
the MERT weights with different phrase tables .
Unsupervised Translation Induction for Chinese Abbreviations
the baseline phrase table .
Unsupervised Translation Induction for Chinese Abbreviations
Since the obtained translation entries for abbreviations have the same format as the regular translation entries in the baseline phrase table, it is relatively easy to add them into the baseline phrase table .
Unsupervised Translation Induction for Chinese Abbreviations
Specifically, if a translation entry (signatured by its Chinese and English strings) to be added is not in the baseline phrase table , we simply add the entry into the baseline table.
phrase table is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: