Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2008 that mention
  • similarity score
Chan, Yee Seng and Ng, Hwee Tou
We propose an automatic machine translation (MT) evaluation metric that calculates a similarity score (based on precision and recall) of a pair of sentences.
Unlike most metrics, we compute a similarity score between items across the two sentences.
The weights (from the edges) of the resulting graph will then be added to determine the final similarity score between the pair of sentences.
Metric Design Considerations
To obtain a single similarity score scores for this sentence pair 3, we simply average the three Fmean scores.
Metric Design Considerations
Then, to obtain a single similarity score Sim-score for the entire system corpus, we repeat this process of calculating a scores for each system-reference sentence pair 3, and compute the average over all |S | sentence pairs:
Metric Design Considerations
In an n-gram bipartite graph, the similarity score , or the weight 212(6) of the edge 6 connecting a system
similarity score is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Branavan, S.R.K. and Chen, Harr and Eisenstein, Jacob and Barzilay, Regina
Conclusions and Future Work
Our present model makes strong assumptions about the independence of similarity scores .
Model Description
We represent each distinct keyphrase as a vector of similarity scores computed over the set of observed keyphrases; these scores are represented by s in Figure 2, the plate diagram of our model.1 Modeling the similarity matrix rather than the sur-
Model Description
1We assume that similarity scores are conditionally independent given the keyphrase clustering, though the scores are in fact related.
similarity score is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Paşca, Marius and Van Durme, Benjamin
Internally, the ranking uses Jensen-Shannon (Lee, 1999) to compute similarity scores between internal representations of seed attributes, on one hand, and each of the candidate attributes, on the other hand.
Extraction from Documents and Queries
4) ranking of candidate attributes with respect to each class (e.g., movies), by computing similarity scores between their individual vector representations and the reference vector of the seed attributes.
Extraction from Documents and Queries
To this effect, the extraction includes modifications such that only one reference vector is constructed internally from the seed attributes during the third stage, rather one such vector for each class in (Pasca, 2007); and similarity scores are computed cross-class by comparing vector representations of individual candidate attributes against the only reference vector available during the fourth stage, rather than with respect to the reference vector of each class in (Pasca, 2007).
similarity score is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: