Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2009 that mention
  • question answering
Kothari, Govind and Negi, Sumit and Faruquie, Tanveer A. and Chakaravarthy, Venkatesan T. and Subramaniam, L. Venkata
This has resulted in the growth of SMS based Question Answering (QA) services.
In this work we present an automatic FAQ-based question answering system for SMS users.
Most of these contact center based services and other regular services like “AQA 63336”1 by Issuebits Ltd, GTIP2 by AlienPant Ltd., “Tex-perts”3 by Number UK Ltd. and “ChaCha”4 use human agents to understand the SMS text and re-spond.U)these ShdS quefies.’The naune oftex-ting language, which often as a rule rather than exception, has misspellings, nonstandard abbreviations, transliterations, phonetic substitutions and omissions, makes it difficult to build automated question answering systems around SMS technology.
Unlike other automatic question answering systems that focus on generating or searching answers, in a FAQ database the question and answers are already provided by an expert.
In this paper we present a FAQ-based question answering system over a SMS interface.
Prior Work
The information retrieval based system treat question answering as an information retrieval problem.
Prior Work
In FAQ based question answering , where FAQ provide a ready made database of question-answer, the main task is to find the closest matching question to retrieve the relevant answer (Sneiders, 1999) (Song et al., 2007).
Prior Work
We address the challenges in building a FAQ-based question answering system over a SMS interface.
question answering is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
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