Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2009 that mention
  • synset
Kim, Jungi and Li, Jin-Ji and Lee, Jong-Hyeok
Term Weighting and Sentiment Analysis
It consists of WordNet synsets, where each synset is assigned three probability scores that add up to 1: positive, negative, and objective.
Term Weighting and Sentiment Analysis
These scores are assigned at sense level ( synsets in WordNet), and we use the following equations to assess the sentiment scores at the word level.
Term Weighting and Sentiment Analysis
where synset(w) is the set of synsets of w and SWN 1208(3), SWNNeg(s) are positive and negative scores of a synset in SentiWordNet.
synset is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: