Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2010 that mention
  • n-gram
Aker, Ahmet and Gaizauskas, Robert
Our results show that summaries biased by dependency pattern models lead to significantly higher ROUGE scores than both n-gram language models reported in previous work and also Wikipedia baseline summaries.
Discussion and Conclusion
Our evaluations show that such an approach yields summaries which score more highly than an approach which uses a simpler representation of an object type model in the form of a n-gram language model.
a corpus of descriptions of churches, a corpus of bridge descriptions, and so on) and reported results showing that incorporating such n-gram language models as a feature in a feature-based extractive summarizer improves the quality of automatically generated summaries.
The main weakness of n-gram language models is that they only capture very local information aboutshofitennsequencesandcannotnnxkfllong distance dependencies between terms.
If this information is expressed as in the first line of Table l, n-gram language models are likely to
Representing conceptual models 2.1 Object type corpora
We derive n-gram language and dependency pattern models using object type corpora made available to us by Aker and Gaizauskas.
Representing conceptual models 2.1 Object type corpora
2.2 N-gram language models
Representing conceptual models 2.1 Object type corpora
they calculate the probability that a sentence is generated based on a n-gram language model.
o LMSim3 : The similarity of a sentence S to an n-gram language model LM (the probability that the sentence S is generated by LM).
n-gram is mentioned in 11 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Xiao, Tong and Zhu, Jingbo and Zhu, Muhua and Wang, Huizhen
The computation of t/I(e,H(v)) is based on a linear combination of a set of n-gram consensuses-based features.
For each order of n-gram, h; (e,H(v)) and h”— (e,H(v)) are defined to measure the n-gram agreement and disagreement between e and other translation candidates in H(v), respectively.
If p orders of n-gram are used in computing t//(e,H(v)) , the total number of features in the system combination will be T +2>< p (T model-score-based features defined in Equation 8 and 2x p consensus-based features defined in Equation 9).
n-gram is mentioned in 11 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Chambers, Nathanael and Jurafsky, Daniel
How Frequent is Unseen Data?
The third line across the bottom of the figure is the number of unseen pairs using Google n-gram data as proxy argument counts.
How Frequent is Unseen Data?
Creating argument counts from n-gram counts is described in detail below in section 5.2.
Using the Google n-gram corpus, we recorded all verb-noun co-occurrences, defined by appearing in any order in the same n-gram , up to and including 5-grams.
For instance, the test pair (throwsubject, ball) is considered seen if there exists an n-gram such that throw and ball are both included.
C (vd, n) as the number of times 2) and n (ignoring d) appear in the same n-gram .
The Google n-gram backoff model is almost as good as backing off to the Erk smoothing model.
n-gram is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Turian, Joseph and Ratinov, Lev-Arie and Bengio, Yoshua
Distributed representations
For each training update, we read an n-gram x = (W1, .
Distributed representations
We also create a corrupted or noise n-gram J?
Distributed representations
0 We corrupt the last word of each n-gram .
n-gram is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Bojar, Ondřej and Kos, Kamil and Mareċek, David
Aside from including dependency and n-gram relations in the scoring, we also apply and evaluate SemPOS for English.
Problems of BLEU
Table 1 estimates the overall magnitude of this issue: For 1-grams to 4-grams in 1640 instances (different MT outputs and different annotators) of 200 sentences with manually flagged errors4, we count how often the n-gram is confirmed by the reference and how often it contains an error flag.
Problems of BLEU
Fortunately, there are relatively few false positives in n-gram based metrics: 6.3% of unigrams and far fewer higher n-grams.
n-gram is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Tratz, Stephen and Hovy, Eduard
Automated Classification
Web 1T N-gram Features
Automated Classification
Table 3 describes the extracted n-gram features.
Automated Classification
The influence of the Web lT n-gram features was somewhat mixed.
n-gram is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: