Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2011 that mention
  • neural network
Branavan, S.R.K and Silver, David and Barzilay, Regina
Adding Linguistic Knowledge to the Monte-Carlo Framework
As shown in Figure 2, our model is a four layer neural network .
Adding Linguistic Knowledge to the Monte-Carlo Framework
The third feature layer f of the neural network is deterministically computed given the active units 3/, and zj of the softmax layers, and the values of the input layer.
Adding Linguistic Knowledge to the Monte-Carlo Framework
In the second layer of the neural network , the units 23’ represent a predicate labeling (5;- of every sentence yz- E d. However, our intention is to incorporate, into action-value function Q, information from only the most relevant sentence.
We employ a multilayer neural network where the hidden layers represent sentence relevance and predicate parsing decisions.
neural network is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
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