Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2011 that mention
  • unigrams
Bollegala, Danushka and Weir, David and Carroll, John
A Motivating Example
( unigrams ) opment, civilization
Feature Expansion
,w N}, where the elements 212,- are either unigrams or bigrams that appear in the review d. We then represent a review d by a real-valued term-frequency vector d 6 RN , where the value of the j-th element dj is set to the total number of occurrences of the unigram or bigram wj in the review d. To find the suitable candidates to expand a vector d for the review d, we define a ranking score score(ui, d) for each base entry in the thesaurus as follows:
Feature Expansion
Moreover, we weight the relatedness scores for each word wj by its normalized term-frequency to emphasize the salient unigrams and bigrams in a review.
Feature Expansion
This is particularly important because we would like to score base entries ui considering all the unigrams and bigrams that appear in a review d, instead of considering each unigram or bigram individually.
a unigram or a bigram of word lemma) in a review using a feature vector.
Sentiment Sensitive Thesaurus
We select unigrams and bigrams from each sentence.
Sentiment Sensitive Thesaurus
For the remainder of this paper, we will refer to unigrams and bigrams collectively as lexical elements.
Sentiment Sensitive Thesaurus
Previous work on sentiment classification has shown that both unigrams and bigrams are useful for training a sentiment classifier (Blitzer et al., 2007).
unigrams is mentioned in 14 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Schütze, Hinrich
Experimental Setup
256,873 unique unigrams and 4,494,222 unique bigrams.
Experimental Setup
We cluster unigrams (i = l) and bigrams (i = 2).
Experimental Setup
For all experiments, |l31| = |l32| (except in cases where |l32| exceeds the number of unigrams , see below).
The parameters d’, d”, and d’” are the discounts for unigrams , bigrams and trigrams, respectively, as defined by Chen and Goodman (1996, p. 20, (26)).
232) is the set of unigram (resp.
We cluster bigram histories and unigram histories separately and write 193 (7.03 |w1w2) for the bigram cluster model and pB(w3|w2) for the unigram cluster model.
Related work
symbol | denotation 2w (sum over all unigrams w)
unigrams is mentioned in 23 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Blunsom, Phil and Cohn, Trevor
This work differs from previous Bayesian models in that we explicitly model a complex backoff path using a hierachical prior, such that our model jointly infers distributions over tag trigrams, bigrams and unigrams and whole words and their character level representation.
Note that the bigram PYP-HMM outperforms the closely related BHMM (the main difference being that we smooth tag bigrams with unigrams ).
The trigram transition distribution, Tij, is drawn from a hierarchical PYP prior which backs off to a bigram Bj and then a unigram U distribution,
This allows the modelling of trigram tag sequences, while smoothing these estimates with their corresponding bigram and unigram distributions.
That is, each table at one level is equivalent to a customer at the next deeper level, creating the invari-ants: Kh} = n;- andKu—i 2 715, where u = tl_1 indicates the unigram backoff context of h. The recursion terminates at the lowest level where the base distribution is static.
unigrams is mentioned in 9 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Bramsen, Philip and Escobar-Molano, Martha and Patel, Ami and Alonso, Rafael
Previous work in traditional text classification and its variants — such as sentiment analysis — has achieved successful results by using the bag-of-words representation; that is, by treating text as a collection of words with no interdependencies, training a classifier on a large feature set of word unigrams which appear in the corpus.
Few of these tactics would be effectively encapsulated by word unigrams .
Many would be better modeled by POS tag unigrams (with no word information) or by longer n-grams consisting of either words, POS tags, or a combination of the two.
unigrams is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Yannakoudakis, Helen and Briscoe, Ted and Medlock, Ben
(a) Word unigrams (b) Word bigrams
(a) PoS unigrams (b) PoS bigrams (c) PoS trigrams
Word unigrams and bigrams are lower-cased and used in their inflected forms.
Previous work
The Bayesian Essay Test Scoring sYstem (BETSY) (Rudner and Liang, 2002) uses multinomial or Bernoulli Naive Bayes models to classify texts into different classes (e. g. pass/fail, grades AF) based on content and style features such as word unigrams and bigrams, sentence length, number of verbs, noun—verb pairs etc.
Validity tests
(a) word unigrams within a sentence (b) word bigrams within a sentence (c) word trigrams within a sentence
unigrams is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ott, Myle and Choi, Yejin and Cardie, Claire and Hancock, Jeffrey T.
Automated Approaches to Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection
Specifically, we consider the following three n-gram feature sets, with the corresponding features lowercased and unstemmed: UNIGRAMS , BIGRAMS+, TRIGRAMS+, where the superscript + indicates that the feature set subsumes the preceding feature set.
Automated Approaches to Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection
We consider all three n-gram feature sets, namely UNIGRAMS , BIGRAMS+, and TRIGRAMS+, with corresponding language models smoothed using the interpolated Kneser-Ney method (Chen and Goodman, 1996).
Automated Approaches to Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection
We use SVMlight (Joachims, 1999) to train our linear SVM models on all three approaches and feature sets described above, namely POS, LIWC, UNIGRAMS , BIGRAMS+, and TRIGRAMS+.
unigrams is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Sauper, Christina and Haghighi, Aria and Barzilay, Regina
The DISCRIMINATIVE baseline for this task is a standard maximum entropy discriminative binary classifier over unigrams .
Global Distributions: At the global level, we draw several unigram distributions: a global background distribution 63 and attribute distributions 6% for each attribute.
Product Level: For the ith product, we draw property unigram distributions 6351, .
unigrams is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: