Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2012 that mention
  • Berkeley parser
Sun, Weiwei and Uszkoreit, Hans
Capturing Syntagmatic Relations via Constituency Parsing
On the whole, the Berkeley parser processes IV words slightly better than our tagger, but processes OOV words significantly worse.
Capturing Syntagmatic Relations via Constituency Parsing
The numbers in this table clearly shows the main weakness of the Berkeley parser is the the predictive power of the OOV words.
Combining Both
We still use a Bagging model to integrate the discriminative tagger and the Berkeley parser .
Combining Both
11 indicate that the parsing accuracy of the Berkeley parser can be simply improved by inputting the Berkeley parser with the POS Bagging results.
We then present a comparative study of our tagger and the Berkeley parser , and show that the combination of the two models can significantly improve tagging accuracy.
Berkeley parser is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Pauls, Adam and Klein, Dan
We used the human-annotated parses for the sentences in the Penn Treebank, but parsed the Gigaword and BLLIP sentences with the Berkeley Parser .
PCFG-LA The Berkeley Parser in language model mode.
7We use signatures generated by the Berkeley Parser .
Berkeley parser is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: