Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2012 that mention
  • question answering
Qu, Zhonghua and Liu, Yang
Online forums are becoming a popular resource in the state of the art question answering (QA) systems.
Most prior work focused on extracting only question answering sentences from user conversations.
Automatic Question Answering (QA) systems rely heavily on good sources of data that contain questions and answers.
Question answering forums, such as technical support forums, are places where users find answers through conversations.
Because of their nature as online communities, question answering forums provide more updated answers to new problems.
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This knowledge source could substantially help automatic question answering systems.
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An approach using email structure to detect and summarize question answer pairs was introduced in (Shrestha and Mck-eown, 2004).
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In this paper, in order to provide a better foundation for question answer detection in online forums, we investigate tagging sentences with a much richer set of categories, as well as identifying their dependency relationships.
question answering is mentioned in 16 sentences in this paper.
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