Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2013 that mention
  • Berkeley parser
Zhu, Muhua and Zhang, Yue and Chen, Wenliang and Zhang, Min and Zhu, Jingbo
The resulting supervised parser outperforms the Berkeley parser , a state-of-the-art chart parser, in both accuracies and speeds.
From the results we can see that our extended parser (baseline + padding + supervised features) outperforms the Berkeley parser by 0.3% on English, and is comparable with the Berkeley parser on Chinese (—0.1% less).
Specifically, the semi-supervised parser is 7 times faster than the Berkeley parser .
On standard evaluations using both the Penn Treebank and the Penn Chinese Treebank, our parser gave higher accuracies than the Berkeley parser (Petrov and Klein, 2007), a state-of-the-art chart parser.
In addition, our parser runs with over 89 sentences per second, which is 14 times faster than the Berkeley parser , and is the fastest that we are aware of for phrase-structure parsing.
Berkeley parser is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
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