Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2013 that mention
  • cosine similarity
Ogura, Yukari and Kobayashi, Ichiro
To measure the latent similarity among documents, we construct topic vectors with the topic probabilistic distribution, and then adopt the Jensen-Shannon divergence to measures it, on the other hand, in the case of using document vectors we adopt cosine similarity .
Table 1: Extracting important sentences Methods Measure Accuracy F-value PageRank J enshen-Shannon 0.567 0.485 Cosine similarity 0.287 0.291 tf.
idf J enshen-Shannon 0.550 0.43 5 Cosine similarity 0.275 0.270
cosine similarity is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Pereira, Lis and Manguilimotan, Erlyn and Matsumoto, Yuji
Related Work
We computed the similarity between co-occurrence vectors using different metrics: Cosine Similarity , Dice coefficient (Curran, 2004), Kullback—Leibler divergence or KL divergence or relative entropy (Kullback and Leibler, 1951) and the J enson-Shannon divergence (Lee, 1999).
Related Work
One year data (1991) were used to extract the “noun wo verb” tuples to compute word similarity (using cosine similarity metric) and collocation scores.
Related Work
These data are necessary to compute the word similarity (using cosine similarity metric) and collocation scores.
cosine similarity is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Wolfe, Travis and Van Durme, Benjamin and Dredze, Mark and Andrews, Nicholas and Beller, Charley and Callison-Burch, Chris and DeYoung, Jay and Snyder, Justin and Weese, Jonathan and Xu, Tan and Yao, Xuchen
The data was generated by clustering similar news stories from Gigaword using TF-IDF cosine similarity of their headlines.
Doc-pair Cosine Similarity
The x-axis represents the cosine similarity between the document pairs.
Additionally, there is more data in the MTC dataset which has low cosine similarity than in RF.
cosine similarity is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ferschke, Oliver and Gurevych, Iryna and Rittberger, Marc
Selection of Reliable Training Instances
We can then estimate the topical similarity of two article sets by calculating the cosine similarity of their category frequency vectors C712=Aand6722= Bas
Selection of Reliable Training Instances
Cosine Similarity
Selection of Reliable Training Instances
Table 3: Cosine similarity scores between the category frequency vectors of the flawed article sets and the respective random or reliable negatives
cosine similarity is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Gao, Dehong and Li, Wenjie and Zhang, Renxian
Experiments and Evaluations
Borrowing this idea, for each sub-summary in a human-generated summary, we find its most matched sub-summary (judged by the cosine similarity measure) in the corresponding system-generated summary and then define the correlation according to the concordance between the two
Experiments and Evaluations
For the semantic-based approach, we compare three different approaches to defining the subtopic number K: (1) Semantic-based 1: Following the approach proposed in (Li et al., 2007), we first derive the matrix of tweet cosine similarity .
Sequential Summarization
For a tweet in a peak area, the linear combination of two measures is considered to evaluate its significance to be a sub-summary: (l) subtopic representativeness measured by the cosine similarity between the tweet and the centroid of all the tweets in the same peak area; (2) crowding endorsement measured by the times that the tweet is re-tweeted normalized by the total number of re-tweeting.
cosine similarity is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Guo, Weiwei and Li, Hao and Ji, Heng and Diab, Mona
Evaluation: The similarity between a tweet and a news article is measured by cosine similarity .
4 The cosine similarity
WTMF on Graphs
In the WTMF model, we would like the latent vectors of two text nodes Q.,j1,Q.,j-2 to be as similar as possible, namely that their cosine similarity to be close to 1.
cosine similarity is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Liu, Xiaohua and Li, Yitong and Wu, Haocheng and Zhou, Ming and Wei, Furu and Lu, Yi
Our Method
o 31(mi, mj): The cosine similarity of 75071;) and t(mj); and tweets are represented as TF-IDF vectors;
Our Method
0 32(mi, mj): The cosine similarity of 75071;) and t(mj); and tweets are represented as topic distribution vectors;
Related Work
SemTag uses the TAP knowledge base5, and employs the cosine similarity with TF-IDF weighting scheme to compute the match degree between a mention and an entity, achieving an accuracy of around 82%.
cosine similarity is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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