Index of papers in April 2015 that mention
  • cell differentiation
Jorge G. T. Zañudo, Réka Albert
We illustrate our methods potential to find intervention targets for cancer treatment and cell differentiation by applying it to a leukemia signaling network and to the network controlling the differentiation of helper T cells.
Blocking stable motifs may obstruct specific attractors
To demonstrate the potential of our framework, we choose two types of cell fate reprogramming processes: disease therapeutics and cell differentiation .
Blocking stable motifs may obstruct specific attractors
Helper T cell differentiation network.
Blocking stable motifs may obstruct specific attractors
The helper T cell differentiation network under the selected environmental conditions consists of 55 nodes and 121 edges and is shown in Fig 5.
We illustrated our methods potential to find intervention targets for cancer treatment and cell differentiation by applying it to network models of T-LGL leukemia and helper T cell differentiation .
Supporting Information
Logical rules, classification of attractors, and analysis of the stable motif succession diagram in the helper T cell differentiation network model.
cell differentiation is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
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Juan Palacios-Moreno, Lauren Foltz, Ailan Guo, Matthew P. Stokes, Emily D. Kuehn, Lynn George, Michael Comb, Mark L. Grimes
There is compelling evidence that stalled or incomplete cell differentiation is the primary defect that gives rise to this cancer [2—6].
Tyrosine kinase signaling networks play a major role in governing cell differentiation , including in neuroblastoma [16].
The metazoan evolution of multicellular organisms coincided with expansion of tyrosine kinases, protein tyrosine phosphatases, and SH2 domains, which suggests that tyrosine kinase signaling mechanisms play a major role in cell differentiation [20—22].
cell differentiation is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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