Index of papers in April 2015 that mention
  • prefrontal corteX
Tor D. Wager, Jian Kang, Timothy D. Johnson, Thomas E. Nichols, Ajay B. Satpute, Lisa Feldman Barrett
Other areas that are likely to be important, such as the ventromedial prefrontal corteX (e.g., BA 25 and posterior portions of medial OFC) are subject to signal loss and distortion, and are likely to be underrepresented.
New Implications for Emotion Theories
They also provide a new way of thinking about the reasons for the observed benefits of subgenual cingulate cortical stimulation for depression [84], as the subgenual cingulate and surrounding ventromedial prefrontal cortex have the densest projections to the brainstem of any cortical region [85,86].
Supporting Information
Tem, temporal; Som, somatosensory; Mot, motor; Pmot, premotor; Occ, occipital, PFC, prefrontal corteX con-SS Fig.
prefrontal corteX is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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