Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • binding affinity
Amanda Miguel, Jen Hsin, Tianyun Liu, Grace Tang, Russ B. Altman, Kerwyn Casey Huang
Using all-atom MD simulations to quantify perturbations to the PC190723-binding pocket due to re-sistance-inducing mutations, we have provided an indirect assessment of PC190723 binding affinity that can be used as a point of comparison for at least two relevant applications.
However, the significance of Pocket-FEATURE scores for binding affinity has only been loosely correlated.
FtsZ polymerization improves the P0190723 pocket score
Pocket similarity score predicts that polymerization increases PC190723 binding affinity .
PCt 97023 pocket score is dependent on nucleotide state
This observation suggests that conformational changes associated with nucleotide binding may tune the binding affinity of PC190723 for FtsZ; no GTP-bound SaFtsZ structures exist, leaving it unclear whether GTP hydrolysis significantly affects pocket score.
binding affinity is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Carson C. Chow, Kelsey K. Finn, Geoffery B. Storchan, Xinping Lu, Xiaoyan Sheng, S. Stoney Simons Jr.
The CLS corresponds to that step where the concentration of the accelerator is limited compared to its binding affinity but the free concentration of accelerators in reactions after the CLS are in excess compared to their bound concentrations.
Theory of non-cooperative gene induction
However, a non-This form for mass conservation can be achieved if the concentration of X2 is limited with respect to its binding affinity , i.e., q2[X2] < <1, while the other factors are not limited.
Theory of non-cooperative gene induction
Hence, the CLS is a step where the accelerator concentration is limited with respect to its binding affinity but the accelerator(s) following it are not limited.
binding affinity is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: