Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • cycle regulatory
Cheng Lv, Xiaoguang Li, Fangting Li, Tiejun Li
In our simplified model describing the essential dynamics of the yeast cell cycle process, we assumed the “domino” mechanism of cell cycle regulation , which is different from the previous Tyson’s model [42] and its landscape [9].
This “domino” mechanism is also found in the cell cycle regulation of higher eukaryotic organisms [43].
To quantitatively characterize this robustness, and provide a global description of the cell cycle regulatory system, some fundamental questions must be studied.
Our results demonstrate that the energy landscape of the cell cycle is globally attractive, and we show how the cell cycle regulatory network reduces fluctuations from its upstream process and enables long durations in the transition regime.
Based on the key regulatory network [17] and our previous study on budding yeast [22] , the cell cycle regulatory network can be simplified and separated into G1 /S, early M and late M modules, as shown in Fig.
cycle regulatory is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
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