Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • Fisher’s Exact test
Fan Yang, Evangelia Petsalaki, Thomas Rolland, David E. Hill, Marc Vidal, Frederick P. Roth
Cancer-type-specific domain mutation landscapes across 21 cancer types
We identified ~ 100 cancer-type-specific significantly mutated domain instances (SMDs) in 21 cancer types (S2 Table; P-value = 10—7, Fisher’s Exact test , False Discovery Rate (FDR) <0.05).
Cancer-type-specific domain mutation landscapes across 21 cancer types
Enrichment for Cancer Census genes was both strong and significant (~ 12-fold enrichment; P-value 2 5X 10—34, Fisher’s Exact test ), and suggests the remaining 54 genes that are not already known to be cancer drivers represent good candidates.
Cancer-type-specific domain mutation landscapes across 21 cancer types
Of the 94 genes encoding cancer type-specific SMDs, 24 were found in the Sleeping Beauty dataset (~ 3-fold enrichment; P-Value 2 7X 10—06, Fisher’s Exact test ).
Cancer-type-specific positioning of mutations within a given gene
These 52 genes were enriched for evidence of involvement in cancer, with 16 being Cancer Census genes (enrichment factor ~ 11.9; P-value = 6.7 X1043, Fisher’s Exact test), and 15 being candidate cancer genes according to the Sleeping Beauty screen (enrichment factor ~ 4.5; P-value = 1.9 X10'6, Fisher’s Exact test ).
Cancer-type-specific significantly-mutated domain instance analyses
We analyzed the tendency of SMDs to co-occur in the same patient sample using Fisher’s Exact test (“stats” package in R).
Cancer-type-specific significantly-mutated domain instance analyses
Overlap between our candidate gene set and Cancer Census genes and the Sleeping Beauty gene sets was also analyzed using the Fisher’s Exact Test (“stats” package in R).
Cancer-type-specific significantly-mutated position based mutational hotspot analyses
We calculated the mutational hotspots within each domain instance encoded by a single gene based on Fisher’s Exact test with a P-Value cutoff 0.01 (FDR <0.05).
Mutational trends of oncoproteins and tumor suppressor proteins
Functional sites were significantly overrepresented among oncogenic mutational hotspots (Odds ratio = 10.0, P = 0.0006, Fisher’s Exact Test ).
Fisher’s Exact test is mentioned in 9 sentences in this paper.
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