Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • Gaussian distribution
Tamar Friedlander, Avraham E. Mayo, Tsvi Tlusty, Uri Alon
Bow-tie architectures evolve when the goal is rank deficient
Product mutations were drawn from a Gaussian distribution with o = 0.1, element-wise mutation rate
Evolutionary simulation
Mutation values were drawn from a Gaussian distribution (unless otherwise stated).
Evolutionary simulation
(G + 86) H, where 8,- are independent noise realizations drawn from a Gaussian distribution N(1, o) with different values of o varying between 0.001 to 0.2.
Gaussian distribution is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Dimitri Yatsenko, Krešimir Josić, Alexander S. Ecker, Emmanouil Froudarakis, R. James Cotton, Andreas S. Tolias
Covariance estimation
For multivariate Gaussian distributions , zero partial correlations indicate conditional independence of the pair, implying a lack of direct interaction [40, 52].
We used these covariance matrices as the ground truth in multivariate Gaussian distributions with zero means and drew samples of various sizes.
Conveniently, the Ising model has equivalent mathematical form to the Gaussian distribution , but the Ising model is defined on the multivariate binary domain rather than the continuous domain.
Gaussian distribution is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.