Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • network models
Deborah A Weighill, Daniel A Jacobson
We present and develop the theory of 3-way networks, a type of hypergraph in which each edge models relationships between triplets of objects as opposed to pairs of objects as done by standard network models .
We explore approaches of how to prune these 3-way networks, illustrate their utility in comparative genomics and demonstrate how they find relationships which would be missed by standard 2—way network models using a phylogenomic dataset of 211 bacterial genomes.
Author Summary
In order to address this, we have developed a new three-way similarity metric and constructed three-way networks modelling the relationships between 211 bacterial genomes.
Combined 2-way and 3-way Network Construction
For both the Sorensen Index and the Czekanowski Index, the union of the 3-way best-edge network and the 2-way MST was calculated, resulting in a combined network model .
These networks, when used to model the phylogenomic relationships between 211 bacterial species revealed relationships between the species which were not found when using standard 2-way network models .
Network models are a useful reductionist approach for modelling complex systems.
Thus networks model a system in a pairwise manner, breaking a system down into individual parts (nodes), modelling relationships between pairs of these individual parts (edges) and then reconstructing the system as a network [1].
We then apply a 3-way network model to a set of 211 bacterial genomes, modelling the similarities between the bacteria on a whole genome scale, (based on gene family content), and compare the resulting 3-way networks to those obtained using standard 2-way network models .
Results/Discussion Definition of 3-way Networks
With the aim of modelling higher order relationships than simply pairwise relationships, we define 3-way networks as network models of ternary relationships, i.e.
network models is mentioned in 9 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Tamar Friedlander, Avraham E. Mayo, Tsvi Tlusty, Uri Alon
We find the evolution of narrow waists in a wide range of evolutionary parameters, in both linear and nonlinear multilayered network models .
Finally, we asked whether the present mechanism would apply in a nonlinear network model .
Simulations of multi-layered network models evolving towards input-output goals
Simulations of multilayered network models evolving towards input-output goals
network models is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jaldert O. Rombouts, Sander M. Bohte, Pieter R. Roelfsema
Association layer
The second (hidden) layer of the network models the association cortex, and contains regular units (circles in Fig.
Comparison to previous modeling approaches
Earlier neural networks models used “backpropagation-through-time”, but its mechanisms are biologically implausible [77].
Vibrotactile discrimination task
Several models addressed how neural network models can store F1 and compare it to F2 [46—48].
network models is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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