Index of papers in March 2015 that mention
  • parameter estimates
Miriam C. Klein-Flügge, Steven W. Kennerley, Ana C. Saraiva, Will D. Penny, Sven Bestmann
Bayesian parameter estimation and model comparison
Bayesian parameter estimation and model comparison
Bayesian parameter estimation and model comparison
To maximize our chances to find global, rather than local maxima using the gradient ascent algorithm, parameter estimation was repeated over a grid of initialization values.
Experimental task and procedure
The reward magnitude associated with each force level was adjusted on a trial-by-trial basis using an adaptive staircase algorithm, independently for each effort level ( Parameter Estimation by Sequential Testing, PEST, see [91]).
Results are not trivially explained by a larger number of model parameters, the exerted force, or fatigue
Bayesian parameter estimation and model comparison were performed as before, but using the force level produced on a given trial instead of the required target force.
Supporting Information
The supplementary methods and results report an analysis of response time and choice based on simple regression analyses, and include additional tables reporting model parameter estimates , accuracy and complexity terms, and results of control analyses.
Supporting Information
B, Mean (i SEM) parameter estimates from a logistic regression analysis of each participant’s choice pattern.
Supporting Information
Individual parameter estimates (Experiment 1).
Using utility instead of reward magnitude
Parameter estimation and model comparisons were repeated for all models using this generic measure of utility.
parameter estimates is mentioned in 10 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Maxim Volgushev, Vladimir Ilin, Ian H. Stevenson
Inferring functional connectivity from spikes
Here we use L1-regularization and find the maximum a posteriori (MAP) parameters estimates
Gray lines show parameters estimated from bootstrap samples; solid colored lines show their averages.
input experiments.
Since the bilinear model has many more parameters, it is not unsurprising that there is more uncertainty in the parameter estimates given the same amount of data (200s in this case).
parameter estimates is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: