Index of papers in PLOS Comp. Biol. that mention
  • sequencing technologies
William F. Flynn, Max W. Chang, Zhiqiang Tan, Glenn Oliveira, Jinyun Yuan, Jason F. Okulicz, Bruce E. Torbett, Ronald M. Levy
Correlation analysis in using bound estimates protease captures known pair correlations
We believe this discrepancy is due to real differences between the two sets of data, specifically that joint probabilities are systematically underestimated using conventional sequencing technologies .
High concordance in SNP frequency between sequenced viral replicates from patients
Current next generation sequencing technologies require a large amount of starting material that greatly exceeds the amount of viral RNA present in a typical clinical sample.
During the past decade, advancements in DNA sequencing technologies have allowed for the study of the viral populations within an individual, and importantly these advancements allow for the quantification of low and infrequent HIV drug resistant mutations, which are difficult to detect using traditional Sanger sequencing [15—17].
The same statistical framework can be applied to other systems that have been sequenced with next-generation sequencing technologies .
sequencing technologies is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
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Gabriel R. A. Margarido, David Heckerman
As a result of improvements in genome assembly algorithms and the ever decreasing costs of high-throughput sequencing technologies , new high quality draft genome sequences are published at a striking pace.
However, ConPADE utilizes only SNPs, because (1) current sequencing technologies lack sensitivity to identify indels, (2) indel processing is more complex than SNP processing [44] and (3) indels are usually less abundant than SNPs [45,46] and would thus contribute little information for ploidy estimation.
There have been many algorithmic developments yielding a myriad of software for assembly of the large amounts of short reads generated by next generation sequencing technologies , mainly developed under a haploid or diploid mindset [9—12].
sequencing technologies is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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Davide Albanese, Carlotta De Filippo, Duccio Cavalieri, Claudio Donati
Author Summary
In metagenomics, the composition of complex microbial communities is characterized using Next Generation Sequencing technologies .
To become a viable diagnostic and therapeutic tool, the evolution of sequencing technologies needs to be paralleled by progress in computational tools enabling to significantly correlate phenotypes to the smallest possible number of microbial taxa.
The algorithm is general and does not rely on any specific sequencing technology , as long as a phylogenetic tree of the OTUs and the distribution of the OTUs in the different samples are available.
sequencing technologies is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
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