Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2008 that mention
  • cross-lingual
Snyder, Benjamin and Barzilay, Regina
We present a nonparametric Bayesian model that jointly induces morpheme segmentations of each language under consideration and at the same time identifies cross-lingual morpheme patterns, or abstract morphemes.
Conclusions and Future Work
We started out by posing two questions: (i) Can we exploit cross-lingual patterns to improve unsupervised analysis?
In this paper we investigate two questions: (i) Can we exploit cross-lingual correspondences to improve unsupervised language
Our results indicate that cross-lingual patterns can indeed be exploited successfully for the task of unsupervised morphological segmentation.
The model is fully unsupervised and is driven by a preference for stable and high frequency cross-lingual morpheme patterns.
Our model utilizes a Dirichlet process prior for each language, as well as for the cross-lingual links (abstract morphemes).
Multilingual Morphological Segmentation
In the following section, we describe a model that can model both generic cross-lingual patterns (fy and 19-), as well as cognates between related languages (ktb for Hebrew and Arabic).
cross-lingual is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
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