Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2009 that mention
  • dependency parsing
Druck, Gregory and Mann, Gideon and McCallum, Andrew
In this paper, we propose a novel method for semi-supervised learning of non-projective log-linear dependency parsers using directly expressed linguistic prior knowledge (e.g.
Generalized Expectation Criteria
In the following sections we apply GE to non-projective CRF dependency parsing .
Generalized Expectation Criteria
We first consider an arbitrarily structured conditional random field (Lafferty et al., 2001) p)‘ (y We describe the CRF for non-projective dependency parsing in Section 3.2.
Generalized Expectation Criteria
We now define a CRF p)‘ (y|x) for unlabeled, non-projective5 dependency parsing .
This paper proposes a method for directly guiding the learning of dependency parsers with naturally encoded linguistic insights.
While a complete exploration of linguistic prior knowledge for dependency parsing is beyond the scope of this paper, we provide several promising demonstrations of the proposed method.
Linguistic Prior Knowledge
This type of constraint was used in the development of a rule-based dependency parser (De-busmann et al., 2004).
Related Work
Smith and Eisner (2007) apply entropy regularization to dependency parsing .
Related Work
There are also a number of methods for unsupervised learning of dependency parsers .
Related Work
Klein and Manning (2004) use a carefully initialized and structured generative model (DMV) in conjunction with the EM algorithm to get the first positive results on unsupervised dependency parsing .
dependency parsing is mentioned in 13 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Galley, Michel and Manning, Christopher D.
(2005b) formalized dependency parsing as a maximum spanning tree (MST) problem, which can be solved in quadratic time relative to the length of the sentence.
They show that MST parsing is almost as accurate as cubic-time dependency parsing in the case of English, and that it is more accurate with free word order languages.
Dependency parsing for machine translation
In this section, we review dependency parsing formulated as a maximum spanning tree problem (McDonald et al., 2005b), which can be solved in quadratic time, and then present its adaptation and novel application to phrase-based decoding.
Dependency parsing for machine translation
In the case of dependency parsing for Czech, (McDonald et al., 2005b) even outperforms projective parsing, and was one of the top systems in the CoNLL-06 shared task in multilingual dependency parsing .
Dependency parsing for machine translation
2.1 0(n2)-time dependency parsing for MT
While deterministic parsers are often deemed inadequate for dealing with ambiguities of natural language, highly accurate 0(n2) algorithms exist in the case of dependency parsing .
(2005b) present a quadratic-time dependency parsing algorithm that is just 0.7% less accurate than “full-fledged” chart parsing (which, in the case of dependency parsing , runs in time 0(n3) (Eisner, 1996)).
Most interestingly, the time complexity of non-projective dependency parsing remains quadratic as the order of the language model increases.
dependency parsing is mentioned in 18 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Martins, Andre and Smith, Noah and Xing, Eric
We formulate the problem of non-projective dependency parsing as a polynomial-sized integer linear program.
Dependency Parsing
Let us first describe formally the set of legal dependency parse trees.
Dependency Parsing
We define the set of legal dependency parse trees of at (denoted 34:10)) as the set of O-arborescences of D, i.e., we admit each arborescence as a potential dependency tree.
Dependency Parsing
3 In this paper, we consider unlabeled dependency parsing , where only the backbone structure (i.e., the arcs without the labels depicted in Fig.
Dependency Parsing as an ILP
Riedel and Clarke (2006) proposed an ILP formulation for dependency parsing which refines the arc-factored model by imposing linguistically motivated “hard” constraints that forbid some arc configurations.
Much attention has recently been devoted to integer linear programming (ILP) formulations of NLP problems, with interesting results in applications like semantic role labeling (Roth and Yih, 2005; Punyakanok et al., 2004), dependency parsing (Riedel and Clarke, 2006), word alignment for machine translation (Lacoste-Julien et al., 2006), summarization (Clarke and Lapata, 2008), and coreference resolution (Denis and Baldridge, 2007), among others.
Riedel and Clarke (2006) cast dependency parsing as an ILP, but efi‘icient formulations remain an open problem.
dependency parsing is mentioned in 21 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Nivre, Joakim
We present a novel transition system for dependency parsing , which constructs arcs only between adjacent words but can parse arbitrary non-projective trees by swapping the order of words in the input.
Background Notions 2.1 Dependency Graphs and Trees
Following Nivre (2008a), we define a transition system for dependency parsing as a quadruple S = (C, T, cs, Ct), where
Background Notions 2.1 Dependency Graphs and Trees
Figure 2: Transitions for dependency parsing ; Tp =
However, one problem that still has not found a satisfactory solution in data-driven dependency parsing is the treatment of discontinuous syntactic constructions, usually modeled by non-projective
Current approaches to data-driven dependency parsing typically use one of two strategies to deal with non-projective trees (unless they ignore them completely).
In Section 2, we define the formal representations needed and introduce the framework of transition-based dependency parsing .
Transitions for Dependency Parsing
Having defined the set of configurations, including initial and terminal configurations, we will now focus on the transition set T required for dependency parsing .
Transitions for Dependency Parsing
3.1 Projective Dependency Parsing
Transitions for Dependency Parsing
The minimal transition set Tp for projective dependency parsing contains three transitions:
dependency parsing is mentioned in 13 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhang, Yi and Wang, Rui
The dependency backbone of an HP SG analysis is used to provide general linguistic insights which, when combined with state-of-the-art statistical dependency parsing models, achieves performance improvements on out-domain testsflL
Dependency Parsing with HPSG
In this section, we explore two possible applications of the HPSG parsing onto the syntactic dependency parsing task.
Dependency Parsing with HPSG
One is to extract dependency backbone from the HP SG analyses of the sentences and directly convert them into the target representation; the other way is to encode the HP SG outputs as additional features into the existing statistical dependency parsing models.
Dependency Parsing with HPSG
Besides directly using the dependency backbone of the HP SG output, we could also use it for building feature-based models of statistical dependency parsers .
Syntactic dependency parsing is attracting more and more research focus in recent years, partially due to its theory-neutral representation, but also thanks to its wide deployment in various NLP tasks (machine translation, textual entailment recognition, question answering, information extraction, etc.).
In combination with machine learning methods, several statistical dependency parsing models have reached comparable high parsing accuracy (McDonald et al., 2005b; Nivre et al., 2007b).
In the meantime, successful continuation of CoNLL Shared Tasks since 2006 (Buchholz and Marsi, 2006; Nivre et al., 2007a; Surdeanu et al., 2008) have witnessed how easy it has become to train a statistical syntactic dependency parser provided that there is annotated treebank.
Parser Domain Adaptation
In recent years, two statistical dependency parsing systems, MaltParser (Nivre et al., 2007b) and MS TParser (McDonald et al., 2005b), representing different threads of research in data-driven machine learning approaches have obtained high publicity, for their state-of-the-art performances in open competitions such as CoNLL Shared Tasks.
Parser Domain Adaptation
In addition, most of the previous work have been focusing on constituent-based parsing, while the domain adaptation of the dependency parsing has not been fully explored.
Parser Domain Adaptation
Figure 1: Different dependency parsing models and their combinations.
dependency parsing is mentioned in 20 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhao, Hai and Song, Yan and Kit, Chunyu and Zhou, Guodong
This paper proposes an approach to enhance dependency parsing in a language by using a translated treebank from another language.
Although supervised learning methods bring state-of-the-art outcome for dependency parser inferring (McDonald et al., 2005; Hall et al., 2007), a large enough data set is often required for specific parsing accuracy according to this type of methods.
As different human languages or treebanks should share something common, this makes it possible to let dependency parsing in multiple languages be beneficial with each other.
In this paper, we study how to improve dependency parsing by using (automatically) translated texts attached with transformed dependency information.
The Related Work
Even the translation outputs are not so good as the expected, a dependency parser for the
The Related Work
However, although it is not essentially different, we only focus on dependency parsing itself, while the parsing scheme in (Burkett and Klein, 2008) based on a constituent representation.
Treebank Translation and Dependency Transformation
how a translated English treebank enhances a Chinese dependency parser .
dependency parsing is mentioned in 15 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jiang, Wenbin and Huang, Liang and Liu, Qun
Automatic Annotation Adaptation
This coincides with the stacking method for combining dependency parsers (Martins et al., 2008; Nivre and McDon-
Automatic Annotation Adaptation
This is similar to feature design in discriminative dependency parsing (McDonald et al., 2005; Mc-
For example, currently, most Chinese constituency and dependency parsers are trained on some version of CTB, using its segmentation and POS tagging as the defacto standards.
Related Works
Co-training (Sarkar, 2001) and classifier combination (Nivre and McDonald, 2008) are two technologies for training improved dependency parsers .
Related Works
The classifier combination lets graph-based and transition-based dependency parsers to utilize the features extracted from each other’s parsing results, to obtain combined, enhanced parsers.
dependency parsing is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ganchev, Kuzman and Gillenwater, Jennifer and Taskar, Ben
A parallel corpus is word-level aligned using an alignment toolkit (Graca et al., 2009) and the source (English) is parsed using a dependency parser (McDonald et al., 2005).
In this paper, we proposed a novel and effective learning scheme for transferring dependency parses across bitext.
Recently, dependency parsing has gained popularity as a simpler, computationally more efficient alternative to constituency parsing and has spurred several supervised learning approaches (Eisner, 1996; Yamada and Matsumoto, 2003a; Nivre and Nilsson, 2005; McDonald et al., 2005) as well as unsupervised induction (Klein and Manning, 2004; Smith and Eisner, 2006).
Related Work
In this volume (Druck et al., 2009) use this framework to train a dependency parser based on constraints stated as corpus-wide expected values of linguistic rules.
dependency parsing is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Hirao, Tsutomu and Suzuki, Jun and Isozaki, Hideki
Analysis of reference compressions
In addition, sentence compression methods that strongly depend on syntactic parsers have two problems: ‘parse error’ and ‘decoding speed.’ 44% of sentences output by a state-of-the-art Japanese dependency parser contain at least one error (Kudo and Matsumoto, 2005).
0 We showed that our method is about 4.3 times faster than Hori’s method which employs a dependency parser .
Experimental Evaluation
sion of Hori’s method which does not require the dependency parser .
Results and Discussion
Our method was about 4.3 times faster than Hori’s method due to the latter’s use of dependency parser .
dependency parsing is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Mintz, Mike and Bills, Steven and Snow, Rion and Jurafsky, Daniel
In order to generate these features we parse each sentence with the broad-coverage dependency parser MIN IPAR (Lin, 1998).
A dependency parse consists of a set of words and chunks (e.g.
Each sentence of this unstructured text is dependency parsed by MINIPAR to produce a dependency graph.
This chunking is restricted by the dependency parse of the sentence, however, in that chunks must be contiguous in the parse (i.e., no chunks across subtrees).
dependency parsing is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: