Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2009 that mention
  • POS tags
Abend, Omri and Reichart, Roi and Rappoport, Ari
In this paper we present an unsupervised algorithm for identifying verb arguments, where the only type of annotation required is POS tagging .
This parser is unique in that it is able to induce a bracketing (unlabeled parsing) from raw text (without even using POS tags ) achieving state-of-the-art results.
The only type of supervised annotation we use is POS tagging .
We use the taggers MX-POST (Ratnaparkhi, 1996) for English and Tree-Tagger (Schmid, 1994) for Spanish, to obtain POS tags for our model.
A standard SRL algorithm requires thousands to dozens of thousands sentences annotated with POS tags , syntactic annotation and SRL annotation.
POS tags is mentioned in 14 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Huang, Fei and Yates, Alexander
We investigate the use of smoothing in two test systems, conditional random field (CRF) models for POS tagging and chunking.
Our baseline CRF system for POS tagging follows the model described by Lafferty et al.
In addition to the transition, word-level, and orthographic features, we include features relating automatically-generated POS tags and the chunk labels.
effects of our smoothing techniques on two sequence-labeling tasks, POS tagging and chunking, to answer the following: I.
Our best smoothing technique improves a POS tagger by 11% on OOV words, and a chunker by an impressive 21% on OOV words.
POS tags is mentioned in 16 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jiang, Wenbin and Huang, Liang and Liu, Qun
We test the efficacy of this method in the context of Chinese word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging, where no segmentation and POS tagging standards are widely accepted due to the lack of morphology in Chinese.
For example, currently, most Chinese constituency and dependency parsers are trained on some version of CTB, using its segmentation and POS tagging as the defacto standards.
Therefore, we expect the knowledge adapted from PD will lead to more precise CTB-style segmenter and POS tagger , which would in turn reduce the error propagation to parsing (and translation).
Figure l: Incompatible word segmentation and POS tagging standards between CTB (upper) and People’s Daily (below).
Our experiments show that adaptation from PD to CTB results in a significant improvement in segmentation and POS tagging , with error reductions of 30.2% and 14%, respectively.
Segmentation and Tagging as Character Classification
While in Joint S&T, each word is further annotated with a POS tag:
Segmentation and Tagging as Character Classification
Where tk(l<: = 1..m) denotes the POS tag for the word Cek_1+1;ek.
Segmentation and Tagging as Character Classification
In Ng and Low (2004), Joint S&T can also be treated as a character classification problem, Where a boundary tag is combined with a POS tag in order to give the POS information of the word containing these characters.
POS tags is mentioned in 15 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Kruengkrai, Canasai and Uchimoto, Kiyotaka and Kazama, Jun'ichi and Wang, Yiou and Torisawa, Kentaro and Isahara, Hitoshi
In this paper, we present a discriminative word-character hybrid model for joint Chinese word segmentation and POS tagging .
In joint word segmentation and the POS tagging process, the task is to predict a path
p is its POS tag , and a “7%” symbol denotes the number of elements in each variable.
words found in the system’s word dictionary, have regular POS tags .
Word segmentation and POS tagging results are required as inputs to other NLP tasks, such as phrase chunking, dependency parsing, and machine translation.
Word segmentation and POS tagging in a joint process have received much attention in recent research and have shown improvements over a pipelined fashion (Ng and Low, 2004; Nakagawa and Uchimoto, 2007; Zhang and Clark, 2008; Jiang et al., 2008a; Jiang et al., 2008b).
In joint word segmentation and the POS tagging process, one serious problem is caused by unknown words, which are defined as words that are not found in a training corpus or in a sys-
Policies for correct path selection
We can directly estimate the statistics of known words from an annotated corpus where a sentence is already segmented into words and assigned POS tags .
Policies for correct path selection
3We consider a word and its POS tag a single entry.
POS tags is mentioned in 26 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit and Penn, Gerald
A Latent Variable Parser
The Berkeley parser has been applied to the TuBaD/Z corpus in the constituent parsing shared task of the ACL-2008 Workshop on Parsing German (Petrov and Klein, 2008), achieving an F1-measure of 85.10% and 83.18% with and without gold standard POS tags respectively2.
As part of our experiment design, we investigated the effect of providing gold POS tags to the parser, and the effect of incorporating edge labels into the nonterminal labels for training and parsing.
In all cases, gold annotations which include gold POS tags were used when training the parser.
This table shows the results after five iterations of grammar modification, parameterized over whether we provide gold POS tags for parsing, and edge labels for training and parsing.
the unlexicalized, latent variable-based Berkeley Innser(PeUInIetal,2006).VVfihoutanylanguage-or model-dependent adaptation, we achieve state-of-the-art results on the TuBa-D/Z corpus (Telljo-hann et al., 2004), with a Fl-measure of 95.15% using gold POS tags .
It is found that the three techniques perform about equally well, with F1 of 94.1% using POS tags from the TnT tagger, and 98.4% with gold tags.
POS tags is mentioned in 10 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa and Tsujii, Jun'ichi and Ananiadou, Sophia
We evaluate the effectiveness of our method by using linear-chain conditional random fields (CRFs) and three traditional NLP tasks, namely, text chunking (shallow parsing), named entity recognition, and POS tagging .
Log-Linear Models
The model is used for a variety of sequence labeling tasks such as POS tagging , chunking, and named entity recognition.
Log-Linear Models
We evaluate the effectiveness our training algorithm using linear-chain CRF models and three NLP tasks: text chunking, named entity recognition, and POS tagging .
Log-Linear Models
The features used in this experiment were unigrams and bigrams of neighboring words, and unigrams, bigrams and trigrams of neighboring POS tags .
POS tags is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Zhao, Hai and Song, Yan and Kit, Chunyu and Zhou, Guodong
Dependency Parsing: Baseline
pas POS tag of word
Dependency Parsing: Baseline
cpos] coarse POS: the first letter of POS tag of word
Dependency Parsing: Baseline
cposZ coarse POS: the first two POS tags of word
Exploiting the Translated Treebank
Chinese word should be strictly segmented according to the guideline before POS tags and dependency relations are annotated.
Exploiting the Translated Treebank
The difference is, rootscore counts for the given POS tag occurring as ROOT, and pairscore counts for two POS tag combination occurring for a dependent relationship.
Treebank Translation and Dependency Transformation
Bind POS tag and dependency relation of a word with itself; 2.
Treebank Translation and Dependency Transformation
After the target sentence is generated, the attached POS tags and dependency information of each English word will also be transferred to each corresponding Chinese word.
POS tags is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Niu, Zheng-Yu and Wang, Haifeng and Wu, Hua
Experiments of Grammar Formalism Conversion
(2008) used POS tag information, dependency structures and dependency tags in test set for conversion.
Experiments of Grammar Formalism Conversion
Similarly, we used POS tag information in the test set to restrict search space of the parser for generation of better N-best parses.
Experiments of Parsing
CDT consists of 60k Chinese sentences, annotated with POS tag information and dependency structure information (including 28 P08 tags, and 24 dependency tags) (Liu et al., 2006).
Experiments of Parsing
We did not use POS tag information as inputs to the parser in our conversion method due to the difficulty of conversion from CDT POS tags to CTB POS tags .
Experiments of Parsing
We used the POS tagged People Daily corpus9 (Jan. l998~Jun.
Our Two-Step Solution
” (a preposition, with “BA” as its POS tag in CTB), and the head of IP-OBJ is 3% [El ” .
POS tags is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Galley, Michel and Manning, Christopher D.
Dependency parsing experiments
The only features that are not cached are the ones that include contextual POS tags , since their miss rate is relatively high.
Dependency parsing for machine translation
o a predicted POS tag tj; o a dependency score sj.
Dependency parsing for machine translation
We write h-word, h-pos, m-word, m-pos to refer to head and modifier words and POS tags , and append a numerical value to shift the word offset either to the left or to the right (e.g., h-pos+1 is the POS to the right of the head word).
Dependency parsing for machine translation
It is quite similar to the McDonald (2005a) feature set, except that it does not include the set of all POS tags that appear between each candidate head-modifier pair (i , j).
POS tags is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ganchev, Kuzman and Gillenwater, Jennifer and Taskar, Ben
We used the Tokyo tagger (Tsuruoka and Tsujii, 2005) to POS tag the English tokens, and generated parses using the first-order model of McDonald et al.
For Bulgarian we trained the Stanford POS tagger (Toutanova et al., 2003) on the Bul-
The Spanish Europarl data was POS tagged with the FreeLing language analyzer (Atserias et al., 2006).
POS tags is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Das, Dipanjan and Smith, Noah A.
Experimental Evaluation
model is approximate, because we used different preprocessing tools: MX-POST for POS tagging (Ratnaparkhi, 1996), MSTParser for parsing (McDonald et al., 2005), and Dan Bikel’s interface (http: //WWW .
QG for Paraphrase Modeling
For unobserved cases, the conditional probability is estimated by backing off to the parent POS tag and child direction.
QG for Paraphrase Modeling
We estimate the distributions over dependency labels, POS tags , and named entity classes using the transformed treebank (footnote 4).
QG for Paraphrase Modeling
(17) The parameters 9 to be learned include the class priors, the conditional distributions of the dependency labels given the various configurations, the POS tags given POS tags , the NE tags given NE
POS tags is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Jeon, Je Hun and Liu, Yang
Co-training strategy for prosodic event detection
As described in Section 4, we use two classifiers for the prosodic event detection task based on two different information sources: one is the acoustic evidence extracted from the speech signal of an utterance; the other is the lexical and syntactic evidence such as syllables, words, POS tags and phrasal boundary information.
Previous work
(2007) applied co-training method in POS tagging using agreement-based selection strategy.
Prosodic event detection method
0 Accent detection: syllable identity, lexical stress (exist or not), word boundary information (boundary or not), and POS tag .
Prosodic event detection method
0 IPB and Break index detection: POS tag , the ratio of syntactic phrases the word initiates, and the ratio of syntactic phrases the word terminates.
POS tags is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Ravi, Sujith and Knight, Kevin
We describe a novel method for the task of unsupervised POS tagging with a dictionary, one that uses integer programming to explicitly search for the smallest model that explains the data, and then uses EM to set parameter values.
The classic Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm has been shown to perform poorly on POS tagging , when compared to other techniques, such as Bayesian methods.
(2008) depart from the Bayesian framework and show how EM can be used to learn good POS taggers for Hebrew and English, when provided with good initial conditions.
What goes wrong with EM?
The overall POS tag distribution learnt by EM is relatively uniform, as noted by Johnson (2007), and it tends to assign equal number of tokens to each
POS tags is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Tomanek, Katrin and Hahn, Udo
Conditional Random Fields for Sequence Labeling
Many NLP tasks, such as POS tagging , chunking, or NER, are sequence labeling problems where a sequence of class labels 3] = (3/1,.
Conditional Random Fields for Sequence Labeling
Input units 553- are usually tokens, class labels yj can be POS tags or entity classes.
When used for sequence labeling tasks such as POS tagging , chunking, or named entity recogni-
POS tags is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: