Index of papers in Proc. ACL 2014 that mention
  • entity mentions
Chen, Yanping and Zheng, Qinghua and Zhang, Wei
Feature Construction
An entity mention is a reference to an entity.
Feature Construction
The entity mention is annotated with its full extent and its head, referred to as the extend mention and the head mention respectively.
Feature Construction
Head Noun: The head noun (or head mention) of entity mention is manually annotated.
entity mentions is mentioned in 21 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Li, Qi and Ji, Heng
We present an incremental joint framework to simultaneously extract entity mentions and relations using structured perceptron with efficient beam-search.
In addition, by virtue of the inexact search, we developed a number of new and effective global features as soft constraints to capture the interdependency among entity mentions and relations.
The goal of end-to-end entity mention and relation extraction is to discover relational structures of entity mentions from unstructured texts.
This problem has been artificially broken down into several components such as entity mention boundary identification, entity type classification and relation extraction.
For example, in Figure 1, the output structure of each sentence can be interpreted as a graph in which entity mentions are nodes and relations are directed arcs with relation types.
entity mentions is mentioned in 64 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Qian, Longhua and Hui, Haotian and Hu, Ya'nan and Zhou, Guodong and Zhu, Qiaoming
(2005): a) Lexical features of entities and their contexts WMl: bag-of-words in the 1st entity mention HMl: headword of M1 WM2: bag-of-words in the 2nd entity mention HM2: headword of M2 HM12: combination of HMl and HMZ WBNULL: when no word in between WBFL: the only one word in between WBF: the first word in between when at least two words in between
c) Mention level ML12: combination of entity mention levels MT12: combination of LDC mention types
Put in another way, entity alignment automatically marks the entity mentions in the translated instance, thereby the feature vector corresponding to the translated instance can be constructed.
entity mentions is mentioned in 8 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Bao, Junwei and Duan, Nan and Zhou, Ming and Zhao, Tiejun
3 For simplicity, a cleaned entity dictionary dumped from the entire ICE is used to detect entity mentions in Q.
Algorithm 2: Q’P-based Question Translation T = (Z); foreach entity mention eg 6 Q do Qpattem = replace eg in Q with [Slot]; foreach question pattern Q73 do if Qpattern == Qppattern then 5 = Disambiguate(eg, QPpredicate); foreach e E 5 do create a new triple query q; q : {ea Qppredicatea {At} = AnswerRetrieve(q, ICE); foreach A 6 {At} do create a new formal triple t; t = {q-esbj, q-p,«4}; t.score = 1.0; insert t to T;
For each entity mention eg 6 Q, we replace it with [Slot] and obtain a pattern string Qpattem (Line 3).
entity mentions is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Wang, Chang and Fan, James
3If we take the perfect entity mentions and the associated concepts provided by i2b2 (Uzuner et al., 2011) as the input, our system can directly apply to i2b2 relation extraction data.
Identifying Key Medical Relations
The most well-known tool to detect medical entity mentions is MetaMap (Aronson, 2001), which considers all terms as entities and automatically associates each term with a number of concepts from UMLS CUI dictionary (Lindberg et al., 1993) with 2.7 million distinct concepts.
In i2b2 relation extraction task, entity mentions are manually labeled, and each mention has 1 of 3 concepts: ‘treatment’, ‘problem’, and ‘test’.
To resemble real-world medical relation extraction challenges where perfect entity mentions do not exist, our new setup requires the entity mentions to be automatically detected.
The most well-known tool to detect medical entity mentions is MetaMap (Aronson, 2001), which considers all terms as entities and automatically associates each term with a number of concepts from UMLS CUI dictionary (Lindberg et al., 1993) with more than 2.7 million distinct concepts (compared to 3 in i2b2).
entity mentions is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Krishnamurthy, Jayant and Mitchell, Tom M.
Poor entity mention detection is a major source of error in both cases, suggesting that future work should consider integrating entity linking with joint syntactic and semantic parsing.
This performance loss appears to be largely due to poor entity mention detection, as we found that not using entity mention lexicon entries at test time improves ASP’s labeled and unlabeled F-scores by 0.3% on Section 00.
Approximately 50% of errors are caused by marking common nouns as entity mentions (e.g., marking “coin” as a COMPANY).
Parser Design
Entity mentions appear in logical forms via a special mention predicate, M, instead of as database constants.
entity mentions is mentioned in 4 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Pighin, Daniele and Cornolti, Marco and Alfonseca, Enrique and Filippova, Katja
Heuristics-based pattern extraction
(2013), who built well formed relational patterns by extending minimum spanning trees (MST) which connect entity mentions in a dependency parse.
Given input text(s) with resolved and typed entity mentions , event mentions and the most relevant event cluster are detected (first arrow).
Pattern extraction by sentence compression
entity mentions must be retained, .
entity mentions is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: