Index of papers in PLOS Comp. Biol. that mention
  • distribution function
Xiliang Zheng, Jin Wang
Analytical Models of Distribution of Affinity, Equilibrium Constants, Specificity and Kinetics
The distribution function f has the form of:
Analytical Models of Distribution of Affinity, Equilibrium Constants, Specificity and Kinetics
Since the aforementioned distribution of free energy is the Gaussian in this study, one can easily obtain the distribution function of the equilibrium constant K as log-normal.
Analytical Models of Distribution of Affinity, Equilibrium Constants, Specificity and Kinetics
So, the distribution function f of the equilibrium constants K or the affinity can be shown to be: which is a log-normal distribution near the mean above TC While which shows a power law decay near the low K value tail of the distribution (near or below TC).
Summary and Conclusion
We have confirmed the analytical form of the distribution functions with 720 diversified small molecules binding with a specific receptor: Cox-2 protein enzyme.
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The probability and physical relevant quantity range is found to fit adequately the distribution functions from the analytical model, and the two kinds of curves are fitted well to the data in the center and near the tail.
distribution function is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Nils A. Berglund, Thomas J. Piggot, Damien Jefferies, Richard B. Sessions, Peter J. Bond, Syma Khalid
Re LPS Outer Membrane Model
Radial distribution functions (S4 Fig) showed an increased degree of solvation in the sugar group area of the membrane, such that on average 20 water molecules were present in this region after 2 pi-croseconds, compared to ~12 molecules prior to PMB1 binding.
Supporting Information
Radial distribution functions along the z—axis showing solvent penetration relative to the membrane center of mass (top row A—C).
Supporting Information
Radial distribution function (all axis) showing solvent proximity to the DAB amine (bottom row F—I)
distribution function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper:
Noa Slater, Yoram Louzoun, Loren Gragert, Martin Maiers, Ansu Chatterjee, Mark Albrecht
Haplotype Distribution Formalism
However it can be normalized, by defining: which is a proper density distribution function .
Haplotype Distribution Formalism
Further, a proper cumulative distribution function (GDP) for the 19175 (the relative haplotype frequencies) can be derived by normalizing VH(x) where Pr(pj g x) = 1 — vH (x) / H , since vH (x) / H represents the complementary CDF (i.e.1-Pr(pj§x)).
pH (x) Density of p; values—the number of haplotypes in a region = the number of haplotypes pH(X) = VHlfIX) Density distribution function for the probability of obsen/ing a clone of frequency x.
distribution function is mentioned in 3 sentences in this paper.
Topics mentioned in this paper: