Index of papers in PLOS Comp. Biol. that mention
  • drug discovery
Sébastien Giguère, François Laviolette, Mario Marchand, Denise Tremblay, Sylvain Moineau, Xinxia Liang, Éric Biron, Jacques Corbeil
Application in combinatorial drug discovery
Application in combinatorial drug discovery
Author Summary
Part of the complexity of drug discovery is the sheer chemical diversity to explore combined to all requirements a compound must meet to become a commercial drug.
Conclusion and Outlook
These steps can be part of an iterative drug discovery process that will have immediate use in both the pharmaceutical industry and academia.
Drug discovery faces important challenges in terms of cost, complexity and the amount of time required to yield promising compounds.
Hence, drug discovery is a combinatorial problem which, unfortunately, cannot be solved using combinatorial chemistry alone.
Indeed, this transforms the combinatorial drug discovery problem into an equally hard computational task.
Simulation of a drug discovery
Simulation of a drug discovery
drug discovery is mentioned in 7 sentences in this paper.
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Xiliang Zheng, Jin Wang
Author Summary
They can be applied to molecular selection, in vitro evolution process, high throughput screening and virtual screening for drug discovery .
On the practical side, it is also under intensive investigations in drug discovery and pharmaceutical industry [3].
Summary and Conclusion
For the lead compound search in drug discovery , high specificity is often achieved by increasing the specific hydrophobic interactions between the ligand and the target [20], while high affinity often relies on some crucial interactions such as hydrogen-bonding.
Summary and Conclusion
When applies to drug screening, this suggests a multidimensional screening strategy using both affinity and specificity rather than affinity alone in the traditional drug discovery .
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Remarkably, the comprehensive knowledge of the statistics of affinity distributions in many studies have led to a better understanding of molecular selection [59] , and in vitro evolution process such as combinatorial library panning, SELEX technology exploring the RNA/DNA-ligand interactions [60—64] , and high throughput screening for drug discovery to study the receptors or enzymes binding with the lead compounds [65, 66].
drug discovery.
drug discovery .
drug discovery is mentioned in 6 sentences in this paper.
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Francisco Martínez-Jiménez, Marc A. Marti-Renom
Author Summary
Description of the “mode-of-action” of a small chemical compound against a protein target is essential for the drug discovery process.
So far, we have applied the method in an open source drug discovery initiative against Mycobacterium tuberculosis [31] and are currently working in other projects and initiatives.
Our goal is to encourage open source drug discovery by releasing the method with all the predictions expecting that other researchers can benefit from our work.
Therefore, identification of all possible targets of a chemical compound is critical in the drug discovery process.
Annolyze was used in an open source drug discovery initiative against neglected tropical diseases [30] while nAnnoLyze has been applied to a set of anti-tubercular drugs against the M ycobacterium tuberculosis proteome [31].
drug discovery is mentioned in 5 sentences in this paper.
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